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  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    13:00 – 14:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2375: Breakout Learning: Using AI to Modernize the Classroom (23124)
    Location: Hyatt: Exhibit Hall Theatre, Grand Ballroom
    Presenter: Steven Walters – Co-founder
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    10:30 – 11:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2410: Introduction to Bayesian analysis in Strata. Introduction to Bayesian Model Averagain (BMA) in Stata (23163)
    Location: Hyatt: Exhibit Hall Theatre, Grand Ballroom
    Organizer: Gustavo Sanchez – StataCorp LLC
    Organizer: Bingsheng Zhang – -
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2372: Case Teaching in Strategy (23123)
    Location: Hyatt: Exhibit Hall Theatre, Grand Ballroom
    Organizer: Frank T. Rothaermel – Georgia Tech