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  • Friday, Aug 9th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    36: Tensions and Trade-offs When Innovating for Sustainability (15144)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Organizer: Valentina De Marchi – ESADE Business School
    Facilitator: Simone Carmine – IESEG School of Management
    Panelist: Elisa Giuliani – U. of Pisa
    Organizer: Francesco Rullani – Cà Foscari U. of Venice
    Organizer: Anne Jacqueminet – Bocconi U.
    Panelist: Lucia Piscitello – Politecnico di Milano
    Panelist: Matthew Lee – Harvard Kennedy School
    Panelist: Wendy K. Smith – U. of Delaware
    Facilitator: Anthony Goerzen – Queen's U.
    Facilitator: Ruth V. Aguilera – Northeastern U.
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    37: Role of Management Scholars in Influencing Public Policy for the UN SDGs (19721)
    Location: Marriott: Addison
    Coordinator: Rumina Dhalla – U. of Guelph
    Participant: Swati Nagpal – La Trobe U.
    Participant: Sheila Killian – U. of Limerick
    Participant: Anne Magro – George Mason U.
    Participant: Carole Parkes – PRME Secretariat / United Nations Global Compact Office
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    08:00 – 10:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    40: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A Set-Analytic Approach for Studying Configurations (16689)
    Location: Swissotel: Zurich D
    Organizer: Johannes Meuer – KLU Hamburg
    Organizer: Joanna Tochman Campbell – U. of Cincinnati
    Organizer: Donal Crilly – London Business School
    Organizer: Peer Fiss – U. of Southern California
    Organizer: Thomas Greckhamer – Louisiana State U.
    Organizer: Rodney Lacey – Arizona State U.
    Organizer: Vilmos F. Misangyi – Pennsylvania State U.
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    08:30 – 10:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    54: The Sustainability Mindset Indicator: How Professors Develop a Mindset for Innovation and Resilience (12669)
    Location: Marriott: O'Hare
    Organizer: Beate Klingenberg – FOM Hochschule fuer Oekonomie & Management
    Presenter: Amelia Naim – Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI (IPMI International Business School)
    Presenter: Rachel Fichter – Columbia U.
    Presenter: Ekaterina A. Ivanova – Graduate School of Business, HSE U.
    Organizer: Isabel Rimanoczy – PRME Working Group on the Sustainability Mindset
    Presenter: Albachiara Boffelli – U. of Bergamo
    Presenter: Giselle Rentería Núñez – Tecnológico de Monterrey
    Presenter: Louis W. Fry – Texas A&M U. Central Texas
    Presenter: Emmanuelle Reuter – U. of Neuchatel
    Presenter: Ngoc Quynh Dao – U. of Neuchatel
    Presenter: Ruben Burga – U. of Guelph
    Presenter: Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo – U. de Navarra
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    09:30 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    75: ONE Doctoral Consortium (15532)
    Location: Marriott: Navy Pier
    Organizer: Lucrezia Nava – City U. of New York, Baruch College
    Organizer: Kevin Chuah – Northeastern U.
    Speaker: Stuart A. Allen – Robert Morris U.
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    10:00 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    88: Corporate Sustainability: Imperatives and Challenges (10479)
    Location: Marriott: Addison
    Organizer: Jeremy Moon – Copenhagen Business School Department of Management, Society and Communication
    Organizer: Mette Morsing – professor
    Presenter: Jette Steen Knudsen – Tufts U.
    Presenter: Sarah Jack – Lancaster U. Management School
    Discussant: Andrew Crane – U. of Bath
    Discussant: Sherwat Elwan Ibrahim – American U. in Cairo
    Discussant: Tanusree Jain – Copenhagen Business School
    Session Chair: Robert A. Phillips – Schulich School of Business, York U.
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    10:00 – 12:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    86: Circular Business Models for Sustainable Development: From Theory to Practice (16176)
    Location: Marriott: Watertower
    Organizer: Anja Grüll – WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business, Institute for Managing Sustainability
    Organizer: Alberto Bertello – U. of Turin, Department of Management
    Organizer: Jozef Cossey – KU Leuven & UCLouvain
    Organizer: Canio Forliano – U. of Turin, Department of Management
    Organizer: Simona Grande – U. of Turin, Department of Management
    Organizer: Francesco Antonio Perotti – U. of Agder, Norway
    Speaker: Magnus Carl Klofsten – Linköping U.
    Panelist: Paavo Ritala – LUT Business School
    Panelist: Kris Hartley – Arizona State U.
    Organizer: Barbara Galleli – Federal U. of Parana
    Panelist: Wisdom Kanda – -
    Panelist: Frank Figge – ESCP Business School
    Panelist: Rodrigo Lozano – U. of Gävle
    Panelist: Magnus Carl Klofsten – Linköping U.
    Panelist: Julian Kirchherr – Utrecht U.
    Panelist: Martin Geissdoerfer – U. of Cambridge
    Panelist: Andrea Thorpe – U. Católica Portuguesa, CEGE
    Panelist: Domenico Dentoni – Montpellier Business School
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    12:00 – 14:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    126: Using Philosophical Methods to Explore Purposeful Innovation in Polycrisis (13755)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Organizer: Wim Vandekerckhove – EDHEC Business School
    Participant: Helet Botha – U. of Virginia
    Participant: Mollie Painter-Morland – Nottingham Trent U.
    Participant: Marian Eabrasu – EM Normandie Business School, Métis Lab, France
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    13:00 – 15:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    143: Reviewing in the Rough (12554)
    Location: Sheraton: Superior A
    Host: Niranjan Srinivasan Janardhanan – London School of Economics
    Facilitator: Elizabeth McClean – Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
    Facilitator: Emily Dunham Heaphy – U. of Massachusetts, Amherst
    Facilitator: Esther Sackett – Santa Clara U.
    Facilitator: Frits Pil – U. of Pittsburgh
    Facilitator: Jennifer Dannals – Yale School of Management
    Facilitator: Jonathan Kush – U. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
    Facilitator: Ravi S. Kudesia – Fox School of Business, Temple U.
    Facilitator: Ruchi Sinha – UniSA
    Facilitator: Shalini Khazanchi – Rochester Institute of Technology
    Facilitator: Steven Gray – U. of Texas at Austin
    Host: Alexandra Rheinhardt – U. of Connecticut
    Host: Jingtao Zhu – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus U.
    Speaker: Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld – New York U.
    Speaker: Maryam Kouchaki – Northwestern Kellogg School of Management
    Speaker: Allison S. Gabriel – Purdue U., West Lafayette
    Facilitator: Chak Fu Lam – City U. of Hong Kong
    Facilitator: Christian Resick – Drexel U.
    Facilitator: Cristiano L O Guarana – Indiana U. - Kelley School of Business
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    13:00 – 15:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    147: Impactful ‘Early Career’ Research: What’s Holding Junior Scholars Back? (14049)
    Location: Marriott: Salon C
    Organizer: Julian Jonathan Markus – WU Vienna
    Organizer: Bradley J. Hastings – U. of New South Wales
    Presenter: Jean M. Bartunek – Boston College
    Presenter: Sylvia Grewatsch – Brock U.
    Presenter: Nicholas Poggioli – Appalachian State U.
    Presenter: Diana Lauer – WU Vienna
    Presenter: Martin Sehner – WU Vienna
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    14:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    164: The Biodiversity Moonshot: Innovating for an Embedded Future Between Business and Nature (16583)
    Location: Marriott: Belmont
    Organizer: Alberto Di Minin – National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC)
    Facilitator: Gordon P. Rands – Western Illinois U.
    Facilitator: Michael V. Russo – U. of Oregon
    Facilitator: Mark Starik – U. of Wisconsin Extended Campus
    Facilitator: Philip Shapira – Alliance Manchester Business School, U. of Manchester
    Facilitator: Jean Garner Stead – East Tennessee State U.
    Facilitator: Fabrizio Tuzi – ISSIRFA-CNR
    Facilitator: Kerrigan Marie Machado Unter – U. of St. Gallen
    Organizer: Francesco Testa – Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
    Organizer: Valentina Cucino – Institute of Management, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa
    Organizer: Gianmaria Ontano – Institute of Management, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa
    Organizer: Duccio Tosi – Institute of Management, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa
    Distinguished Speaker: Rajat Panwar – Oregon State U.
    Distinguished Speaker: Sandra A. Waddock – Boston College
    Facilitator: Nicole Darnall – American U., Kogod School of Business
    Facilitator: Andrea Filippetti – CNR ExploRA
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    14:45 – 16:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    175: Effective Experimental Methods: Vignette Studies and Thought Experiments (15665)
    Location: Swissotel: Zurich D
    Organizer: Jose R. Beltran – Rutgers U.-Camden
    Organizer: Kyle J. Bradley – Kansas State U.
    Organizer: Ursula Martin – George Washington U.
    Organizer: Herman Aguinis – George Washington U.
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    15:30 – 17:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    755: A Toolbox for Humor in Management Education – From Award Winning Instructors and Top Comedy Schools (14113)
    Location: Hyatt: Water Tower
    Organizer: Svetlana Ivanova – Vienna U. of Economics and Business
    Presenter: Andre Martinuzzi – WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business, Institute for Managing Sustainability
    Presenter: G. James Lemoine – U. at Buffalo, The State U. of New York
    Presenter: Lisa T. Stickney – The U. of Baltimore
    Presenter: Angelo Spörk – WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    16:00 – 18:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    195: Innovating for the Future: Giving Voice to Stakeholders (17131)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Organizer: Harry J. Van Buren – U. of Tennessee, Chattanooga
    Organizer: Anna Hannula – Tampere U.
    Organizer: Johanna Kujala – Tampere U.
    Organizer: Sybille Sachs – U. of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich
    Presenter: Flore Bridoux – Erasmus U.
    Presenter: Bidhan Parmar – U. of Virginia
    Presenter: Nicholas Poggioli – Appalachian State U.
    Presenter: Sandra A. Waddock – Boston College
  • Friday, Aug 9th
    17:00 – 19:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    200: ONE Welcome Event (14460)
    Location: Marriott: Salon D
    Organizer: Kai N. Hockerts – Copenhagen Business School
    Organizer: Sara B. Soderstrom – U. of Michigan
    Organizer: Nardia Haigh – U. of Massachusetts
    Organizer: Martina K. Linnenluecke – U. of Technology, Sydney
    Organizer: Sukhbir Kaur Sandhu – U. of South Australia
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    08:00 – 10:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    254: Navigating Spatial Approaches to Address Grand Challenges (16738)
    Location: Fairmont: Regent Room
    Organizer: Kathleen Ann Stephenson – Vrije U. Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics
    Facilitator: Boukje Cnossen – Leuphana U. Lüneburg
    Facilitator: Thomas Davis – Manchester Metropolitan U.
    Facilitator: Andreas Diedrich – U. of Gothenburg
    Facilitator: Laura E. Dupin – Amsterdam Business School, U. of Amsterdam
    Facilitator: Corinna Frey – Erasmus U. Rotterdam
    Facilitator: Stephanie Giamporcaro – Nottingham Trent U.
    Facilitator: Alison Hirst – Anglia Ruskin U.
    Facilitator: Markus A. Höllerer – UNSW Sydney & WU Vienna
    Facilitator: Jeannie Holstein – U. of Nottingham
    Facilitator: Anniina Rantakari – U. of Oulu
    Organizer: Alessandra Migliore – Politecnico di Milano
    Organizer: Tania Ulrike Räcker – U. of Zurich
    Panelist: Timon Beyes – Leuphana U. Lüneburg
    Panelist: Kimberly D. Elsbach – U. of California, Davis
    Panelist: Gemma Irving – U. of Queensland
    Panelist: Linda L. Putnam – U. of California, Santa Barbara
    Panelist: David Nils Seidl – U. of Zurich
    Panelist: Andre Spicer – City U. London
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    08:00 – 10:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    237: Trusts, Foundations, Offices, Think Tanks: How and Why Families Leverage Satellite Organizations (16761)
    Location: Hyatt: Acapulco
    Session Chair: Kathleen Randerson – Audencia Business School
    Panelist: Marita Rautiainen – Lappeenranta-Lahti U. of Technology LUT
    Panelist: Isabel C. Botero – U. of Louisville
    Panelist: Lucia Naldi – Jonkoping International Business School
    Panelist: Nava Michael-Tsabari – Tel Aviv U.
    Panelist: Sanjay Goel – U. of North Dakota
    Participant: Mattias Nordqvist – Stockholm School of Economics
    Session Chair: Esra Memili – U. of North Carolina, Greensboro
    Session Chair: Clay Dibrell – U. of Mississippi
    Session Chair: Allan Fernando Discua Cruz – Lancaster U. Management School
    Session Chair: Matthias Waldkirch – EBS Business School
    Panelist: Luca Manelli – Politecnico di Milano
    Panelist: Alfredo De Massis – Free U. of Bolzano, IMD Business School and Lancaster U.
    Panelist: Reginald Tucker – U. of Oklahoma
    Panelist: Nadine Kammerlander – WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    08:00 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    256: Movements and Markets (ex Social Movements, Stakeholders, and Nonmarket Strategy) (11904)
    Location: Fairmont: Gold Room
    Organizer: Junhyung Byun – IESE Business School
    Discussant: Michael L. Barnett – Rutgers U.
    Discussant: Edward Carberry – U. of Massachusetts, Boston
    Discussant: Robert J. David – McGill U.
    Discussant: Panikos G. Georgallis – U. of Amsterdam
    Discussant: Abhinav Gupta – U. of Washington, Seattle
    Discussant: Tim Hargrave – Central Washington U.
    Discussant: Shon R. Hiatt – U. of Southern California
    Discussant: Brayden G. King – Northwestern U.
    Discussant: Daniel Waeger – Wilfrid Laurier U.
    Discussant: W Chad Carlos – BYU Marriott School of Business
    Organizer: Felipe Massa – U. of Vermont, Grossman School of Business, US
    Discussant: Klaus Weber – Northwestern U.
    Discussant: Ben William Lewis – Brigham Young U.
    Discussant: Michael Lounsbury – U. of Alberta
    Discussant: Jo-Ellen Pozner – Santa Clara U.
    Discussant: Elisa Alt – King's College London
    Discussant: Johanna Mair – Hertie School of Governance
    Discussant: Ion B. Vasi – U. of Iowa
    Discussant: Brandon H. Lee – Melbourne Business School
    Discussant: Rashedur Chowdhury – U. of Essex
    Discussant: Wesley Sine – Cornell U.
    Organizer: Hannah Grubbs – U. of Oregon
    Organizer: Jocelyn M. Leitzinger – U. of Illinois at Chicago
    Panelist: Jennifer Howard-Grenville – Cambridge Judge Business School
    Panelist: Ryann Elizabeth Manning – U. of Toronto, Rotman School of Management
    Panelist: Farah Kodeih – IESEG School of Management
    Panelist: Samer Abdelnour – U. of Edinburgh business school
    Panelist: David Crockett – U. of Illinois Chicago
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    09:00 – 10:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    257: Step ONE: Starting Your Sustainability PhD Journey with ONE (16021)
    Location: Marriott: Lincolnshire 1
    Organizer: Anja Grüll – WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business, Institute for Managing Sustainability
    Organizer: Svetlana Ivanova – Vienna U. of Economics and Business
    Organizer: Jozef Cossey – KU Leuven & UCLouvain
    Discussant: Shiying Wang – Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
    Organizer: Valen Boyd – Ivey Business School
    Organizer: Marloes Korendijk – Macquarie Business School, Macquarie U.
    Panelist: Lucrezia Nava – City U. of New York, Baruch College
    Speaker: Martina K. Linnenluecke – U. of Technology, Sydney
    Speaker: Xuege (Cathy) Lu – U. of Minnesota Carlson School of Management
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    09:45 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    303: SIM-ONE Junior Faculty Consortium AOM 2024 (13040)
    Location: Marriott: Armitage
    Organizer: Jason M. Pattit – U. of St. Thomas
    Participant: Michelle Greenwood – Monash U.
    Participant: Jennifer Griffin – Loyola U. Chicago
    Participant: Nardia Haigh – U. of Massachusetts
    Participant: Olga Hawn – U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    Participant: Kai N. Hockerts – Copenhagen Business School
    Participant: Joern Hoppmann – U. of Oldenburg
    Participant: Sergio Giovanetti Lazzarini – Western U.
    Participant: Andrea Maria Prado – INCAE Business School
    Participant: Steve Sauerwald – U. of Houston
    Participant: Harry J. Van Buren – U. of Tennessee, Chattanooga
    Organizer: Sana (Shih-chi) Chiu – U. of Houston
    Participant: Sandra A. Waddock – Boston College
    Participant: Heli Wang – Singapore Management U.
    Participant: David Wasieleski – Duquesne U.
    Participant: Jeff York – U. of Colorado, Boulder
    Participant: Anastasiya Zavyalova – Rice U.
    Organizer: Christina Bidmon – Utrecht U.
    Organizer: Ju Young Lee – Ivey Business School
    Participant: Juan-Alberto Aragon-Correa – U. of Granada
    Participant: Sophie Catherine Bacq – International Institute for Management Development - IMD
    Participant: Michael L. Barnett – Rutgers U.
    Participant: Jill Ann Brown – Bentley U. - College of Business - Management Department
    Participant: Valentina De Marchi – ESADE Business School
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    10:00 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    305: Extreme (Events and) Entrepreneurship (10499)
    Location: Hyatt: Water Tower
    Panelist: Oana Branzei – Ivey Business School
    Facilitator: Suntae Kim – Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
    Facilitator: Alan D. Meyer – U. of Oregon
    Facilitator: Angelique Slade Shantz – U. of Alberta School of Management
    Facilitator: Christopher Sutter – Miami U. Ohio
    Organizer: Sadek Showkat – Loyola U. Chicago
    Organizer: Nataliia Yakushko – U. of Tennessee, Knoxville
    Panelist: Garry D. Bruton – Texas Christian U.
    Panelist: Melissa S. Cardon – U. of Tennessee, Knoxville
    Panelist: Arielle M. Newman – Syracuse U. Whitman School of Management
    Panelist: Stella Seyb – Neeley School of Business - Texas Christian U.
    Panelist: Ute Stephan – King's College London
    Panelist: Trenton A. Williams – BYU Marriott School of Business
    Facilitator: Ali E. Ahmed – Warwick Business School
    Facilitator: Gabriella Cacciotti – Baylor U.
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    342: Environmental Sustainability and International Business Research: Opportunities and Challenges (10389)
    Location: Hyatt: Roosevelt 3A
    Organizer: Haitao Yu – U. of Macau
    Organizer: Simone Carmine – IESEG School of Management
    Discussant: Ruth V. Aguilera – Northeastern U.
    Discussant: Jonathan P. Doh – Villanova U.
    Discussant: Valentina De Marchi – ESADE Business School
    Participant: Chang Hoon Oh – U. of Kansas
    Participant: Maoliang Bu – Nanjing U.
    Participant: Panikos G. Georgallis – U. of Amsterdam
    Participant: Kerrigan Marie Machado Unter – U. of St. Gallen
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    11:30 – 13:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    344: From Metrics to Meaning: Navigating the Depths of Impact Assessment (14773)
    Location: Marriott: Salon 1
    Organizer: Felizia Sophie Von Schweinitz – U. of Hamburg
    Panelist: Andreas Rickert – Phineo gAG
    Panelist: Judith Stroehle – U. of St. Gallen, Switzerland
    Organizer: Emma Van Den Terrell – U. of Mannheim
    Organizer: Amyn Vogel – Ludwig Maximilian U. of Munich
    Organizer: Laura Marie Edinger-Schons – U. of Hamburg
    Organizer: Ali Aslan Gümüsay – LMU Munich
    Panelist: Florian Berg – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Panelist: Karim Harji – Oxford U., Saïd Business School
    Panelist: Nien-he Hsieh – Harvard U.
    Panelist: Juliane Reinecke – Oxford U., Saïd Business School
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    12:00 – 16:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    354: Institutional Leadership and Policy Innovations for Purpose-driven Business: The Case of “B Corps” (13814)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Organizer: Leonardo Boni – Politecnico di Milano School of Management
    Organizer: Emily Landry – Washington and Lee U.
    Organizer: Martina Pasquini – IE Business School
    Organizer: Garima Sharma – American U., Kogod School of Business
    Panelist: Ke Cao – Wilfrid Laurier U.
    Panelist: Magali Fia – U. of Bologna-Yunus Social Business Centre
    Facilitator: Gorgi Krlev – ESCP Business School
    Panelist: Todd Schifeling – Fox School of Business, Temple U.
    Facilitator: Kunyuan Qiao – Georgetown U.
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    12:30 – 14:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    371: Innovation & Social Impact of Academia - Contributing to the SDGs (18750)
    Location: Marriott: Belmont
    Organizer: Adrian Zicari – ESSEC Business School
    Facilitator: DARREN Thomas BAKER – U. College Dublin
    Participant: Mário Aquino Alves – FGV EAESP
    Participant: Armand Bam – U. of Stellenbosch Business School
    Participant: Steven Kilroy – Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin
    Participant: Elspeth Murray – -
    Participant: Tommaso Ramus – ESSEC Business School
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    12:30 – 14:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    370: Ask the Experts: Qualitative Research (14542)
    Location: Swissotel: Vevey 3
    Organizer: Sanjay Jain – California State U., Northridge
    Organizer: Raza A. Mir – William Paterson U.
    Organizer: Thomas Greckhamer – Louisiana State U.
    Distinguished Speaker: Roy R. Suddaby – U. of Victoria
    Panelist: Matt Beane – U. of California, Santa Barbara
    Panelist: Sara R. S. T. A. Elias – U. of Victoria
    Panelist: Suntae Kim – Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
    Panelist: Innan Sasaki – Warwick Business School
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    14:00 – 15:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    404: Environmental Sustainability: Hot Topic or Hot Air? (20162)
    Location: Hyatt: Wrigley
    Panelist: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra – Northeastern U.
    Panelist: Olga Hawn – U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    Panelist: Shon R. Hiatt – U. of Southern California
    Panelist: Narae Lee – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    Panelist: Jasjit Singh – INSEAD
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    14:30 – 16:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    422: Integrating SDGs Into Management Courses, Curricula and Programs (15182)
    Location: Marriott: Salon B
    Participant: Neil M. Boyd – Bucknell U.
    Participant: Udayan Dhar – Bucknell U.
    Participant: Andre Martinuzzi – WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business, Institute for Managing Sustainability
    Participant: Angelo Spörk – WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    438: Governing for a Sustainable Future: Exploring the Interactions Between the Public and Private Sector (13797)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Organizer: Sylvia Grewatsch – Brock U.
    Organizer: Miriam Feuls – Copenhagen Business School
    Organizer: Sunny Mosangzi Xu – Copenhagen Business School
    Organizer: Natalia Mityushina – Brock U.
    Panelist: Domenico Dentoni – Montpellier Business School
    Panelist: Raghu Garud – Pennsylvania State U.
    Panelist: Aoife Marie Brophy – U. of Oxford
    Panelist: Johanna Mair – Hertie School of Governance
    Panelist: Madeleine Stefanie Rauch – Cambridge Judge Business School
  • Saturday, Aug 10th
    15:15 – 16:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    449: Creating Business School Education for Sustainability in One Year “for Free” (17739)
    Location: Hyatt: Randolph 2
    Participant: Linda Irwin – SeeComm Group
    Participant: John Lindholm – -
    Participant: Kenneth Sagendorf – Regis U.
    Participant: James A F Stoner – MSR
    Participant: James Weichert – -
    Participant: Anindo Bhattacharjee – Woxsen U., Hyderabad, India
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    08:00 – 11:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    562: Impact Scholars, Unite! Building Bridges Across Communities Interested in Creating Impact (16034)
    Location: Fairmont: Rouge Room
    Panelist: Gerald F. Davis – U. of Michigan
    Panelist: Ali Aslan Gümüsay – LMU Munich
    Panelist: Elke Sybille Schuessler – JKU Linz
    Organizer: Katharina Scheidgen – Georg-August-U. Göttingen
    Organizer: Simon L. Schmidt – Georg-August-U. Göttingen
    Organizer: Christoph Seckler – ESCP Business School
    Panelist: Garima Sharma – American U., Kogod School of Business
    Panelist: Jan Vom Brocke – U. of Münster
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    08:00 – 11:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    563: It’s Not Just You! Let’s Have an Honest Conversation about Failure (16129)
    Location: Fairmont: State Room
    Organizer: Maria Rita Micheli – IESEG
    Panelist: Andre Spicer – City U. London
    Organizer: Georg Wernicke – HEC Paris
    Organizer: Jeanine Pieternel Porck – Oklahoma State U.
    Panelist: Rajshree Agarwal – U. of Maryland
    Panelist: Dolly Chugh – New York U.
    Panelist: Amy C. Edmondson – Harvard U.
    Panelist: Elizabeth P. Karam – James Madison U.
    Panelist: Elisa Operti – ESSEC Business School
    Panelist: Krista Pettit – Ivey Business School
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    08:30 – 10:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    588: Supply Chains in a Post-Growth Era: Theoretical Developments and Empirical Examples (13619)
    Location: Hyatt: Plaza Ballroom A
    Organizer: Annachiara Longoni – ESADE Business School
    Organizer: Davide Luzzini – EADA Business School
    Organizer: Bobby Banerjee – Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), City, U. of London
    Organizer: Veronica Devenin – EADA Business School
    Organizer: Joe Miemczyk – ESCP Business School
    Speaker: Maurizio Zollo – Imperial College Business School
    Speaker: Iryna Malacina – LUT U., LUT Business School
    Speaker: Paul Skilton – Washington State U.
    Speaker: Wendy Tate – U. of Tennessee
    Speaker: Tingting Yan – Texas Tech U.
    Speaker: Andreas Wieland – Copenhagen Business School
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:00 – 10:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    613: Exploring Inclusive and Responsible Innovation Approaches and Tools (14091)
    Location: Sheraton: Missouri
    Coordinator: Andre Martinuzzi – WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business, Institute for Managing Sustainability
    Presenter: Marcel Bogers – Eindhoven U. of Technology
    Presenter: Svetlana Ivanova – Vienna U. of Economics and Business
    Presenter: Keren Naa Abeka Arthur – -
    Presenter: Payal Kumar – Indian school of hospitality
    Presenter: Anja Grüll – WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business, Institute for Managing Sustainability
    Presenter: Svenja Damberg – U. of Twente
    Presenter: Rajnish Tiwari – Hochschule Fresenius
    Organizer: Constantin Lackinger – WirtschaftsU. Wien
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:00 – 10:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    612: Green Innovation and Brown Organization: How to Bridge the Transition Gap? (17478)
    Location: Sheraton: Superior B
    Panelist: Nilanjana Dutt – Bocconi U.
    Panelist: David A. Kirsch – U. of Maryland
    Panelist: Xia Li – London Business School
    Panelist: Thomas Peyton Lyon – U. of Michigan
    Panelist: Lamar Pierce – Washington U. in St. Louis
    Panelist: Donald Siegel – Arizona State U.
    Moderator: Xiaoli Tang – Bocconi U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:00 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    607: Exploring Degrowth in Organization Studies: A Multifaceted Lens (16308)
    Location: Fairmont: Regent Room
    Organizer: Niki Khorasani – Alberta School of Business
    Organizer: Angelique Slade Shantz – U. of Alberta School of Management
    Panelist: Charlene E. Zietsma – U. of Michigan
    Panelist: P Devereaux Jennings – Alberta School of Business
    Panelist: Sean Buchanan – U. of Manitoba
    Speaker: Seray Ergene – U. of Rhode Island
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:30 – 11:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    614: Teaching Sustainability: Encouraging and Applying Innovation (13031)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Organizer: Stuart A. Allen – Robert Morris U.
    Moderator: Stuart A. Allen – Robert Morris U.
    Facilitator: Divya Singhal – Goa Institute of Management
    Presenter: Louis W. Fry – Texas A&M U. Central Texas
    Presenter: Robert Sroufe – Chatham U.
    Presenter: Christopher Craig – Murray State U.
    Presenter: Amama Shaukat – Brunel U. London
    Facilitator: Georg Reischauer – WU Vienna & JKU Linz
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    655: Corporate Strategies and Policy Responses in Climate Change Mitigation
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Session Moderator: Christian Linder – SKEMA Business School - U. Côte d'Azur
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    656: Sustainable Business Practices and Ethical Challenges in Corporate Strategy
    Location: Marriott: Sheffield
    Session Moderator: Bob Bastian – U. of Trento
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    655: Climate Policy, Corporate Climate Action, and Firms’ Policy Positions: A Matter of Time Horizons (13501)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Julia Loder – U. of St. Gallen (HSG)
    Author: Frederik Maibaum – Leibniz U. Hannover
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    656: The Downside of Growth: Examining the Relationship Between Firm Growth and Social Responsibility (12792)
    Location: Marriott: Sheffield
    Author: Mark R. DesJardine – Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
    Author: Jimi Kim – U. of New South Wales
    Author: Pratima Bansal – Ivey Business School
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    655: Mobilizing Firms for Climate Action: Paris Climate Agreement and Corporate Green Bond Issuance (14471)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Yifan Wei – Beedie School of Business Simon Fraser U.
    Author: Kenneth Guang-Lih Huang – National U. of Singapore
    Author: Ya Gao – Asper School of business, U. of Manitoba
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    656: Sustainability for Business Models: A Problematization Review (16818)
    Location: Marriott: Sheffield
    Author: Bob Bastian – U. of Trento
    Author: Andrea Caputo – U. of Trento & U. of Lincoln
    Author: Maria Della Lucia – U. of Trento
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    655: Carbon Pricing and Multinationals’ Climate Change Mitigation Strategy (18598)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Xia Li – London Business School
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    656: Overcoming Socialized Moral Hazard: Toward a Theory of Moralized Value Creation (19030)
    Location: Marriott: Sheffield
    Author: Wilson Odhiambo Odek – PhD Student in Business Studies and management,U. of Southampton
    Author: Rashedur Chowdhury – U. of Essex
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    655: Business Responsibility in Low-Carbon Transition: A Conceptual Model to Address Structural Injustice (18619)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Christian Linder – SKEMA Business School - U. Côte d'Azur
    Author: Samentha Goethals – SKEMA Business School - U. Côte d'Azur
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    656: MME Crowdsourcing Sustainability Innovations (19705)
    Location: Marriott: Sheffield
    Author: Haitao Yu – U. of Macau
    Author: Simone Carmine – IESEG School of Management
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    656: Changing Constellations of Hybridity Through the Phases of Sustainable Business Model Innovation (20903)
    Location: Marriott: Sheffield
    Author: Angela Greco – TU Delft
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    649: Innovating Pedagogy for Responsible Leadership – Learning With the PRME Impactful Five (i5) Project (10047)
    Location: Hyatt: Randolph 3
    Participant: Dirk C. Moosmayer – Kedge Business School
    Participant: Meredith Conlin Storey – PRME Secretariat / United Nations Global Compact Office
    Participant: Cheyenne Maddox – -
    Participant: Samantha Thompson – PRME Secretariat / United Nations Global Compact Office
    Participant: Christian Van Buskirk – -
    Participant: Aurora Díaz Soloaga – Almaty Management U.
    Participant: Marina Anna Schmitz – IEDC-Bled School of Management
    Participant: Benito Teehankee – De La Salle U., Manila, Philippines
    Participant: Zein Tarek Ibrahim – PRME Secretariat / United Nations Global Compact Office
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    10:00 – 12:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    687: Research Frontiers In Nonmarket Strategy (10553)
    Location: Sheraton: Sheraton Ballroom I
    Organizer: Yilang Feng – U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Discussant: Carlos Inoue – U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Discussant: Anne Jamison – Copenhagen Business School
    Discussant: Narae Lee – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    Discussant: Zhao Li – New York U.
    Discussant: Michael Park – INSEAD
    Organizer: Tony Lizhang He – Rutgers Business School
    Organizer: Leandro S. Pongeluppe – The Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania
    Panelist: Sinziana Dorobantu – NYU Stern School of Business
    Panelist: Srividya Jandhyala – ESSEC Business School
    Panelist: Sergio Giovanetti Lazzarini – Western U.
    Panelist: Jasjit Singh – INSEAD
    Panelist: Timothy Werner – U. of Texas at Austin
    Discussant: William Reuben Hurst – U. of Maryland R.H. Smith School of Business
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    10:30 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    695: Shareholder Activism and Societal Challenges
    Location: Marriott: Armitage
    Organizer: Torben Trapp – U. of Edinburgh
    Organizer: John Matthew Amis – U. of Edinburgh
    Discussant: Gerald F. Davis – U. of Michigan
    Presenter: Maria Goranova – U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
    Presenter: Rieneke Slager – U. of Groningen
    Presenter: Margarethe F. Wiersema – U. of California, Irvine
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    10:30 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    695: When Your Shareholders Invest in Your Rivals: Implications of Common Ownership for Stock Buybacks (20523)
    Location: Marriott: Armitage
    Author: Maria Goranova – U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
    Author: Richard L. Priem – Texas Christian U.
    Author: Hermann Ndofor – Indiana U., Indianapolis
    Author: Wanrong Hou – U. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    10:30 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    695: Shareholder Engagement for Societal Challenges: The Role of Intermediaries (20523)
    Location: Marriott: Armitage
    Author: Rieneke Slager – U. of Groningen
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    10:30 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    695: Asset Managers and Climate Change: Shareholder Activism of Common and Universal Owners during Crises (20523)
    Location: Marriott: Armitage
    Author: Torben Trapp – U. of Edinburgh
    Author: John Matthew Amis – U. of Edinburgh
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    10:30 – 12:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    695: Activist Hedge Funds: Their Role and Impact on Strategic Decision-Making and Corporate Governance (20523)
    Location: Marriott: Armitage
    Author: Margarethe F. Wiersema – U. of California, Irvine
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:00 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    713: Ventures and Corporations for a Sustainable Future (12047)
    Location: Sheraton: Wrigleyville
    Organizer: Riitta Katila – Stanford U.
    Organizer: Anna Lukkarinen – Stanford U.
    Panelist: Rodolphe Durand – HEC Paris
    Panelist: Ioannis Ioannou – London Business School
    Panelist: Dean Shepherd – mendoza
    Panelist: Tyler Wry – The Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania
    Panelist: Witold Jerzy Henisz – U. of Pennsylvania
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:00 – 14:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    712: A World Where You Own Nothing? Demystifying Property Rights Theory (14381)
    Location: Sheraton: Missouri
    Organizer: Kun Liu – Kent State U.
    Organizer: Gideon D. Markman – Colorado State U.
    Distinguished Speaker: Peter G. Klein – Baylor U.
    Distinguished Speaker: Sharon Alvarez – U. of Pittsburgh
    Distinguished Speaker: William S. Hesterly – U. of Utah
    Distinguished Speaker: Heli Wang – Singapore Management U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    762: Leadership and Strategy in Green Innovation and Corporate Sustainability
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Session Moderator: Kamal Badar – Nottingham U. Business School (Malaysia)
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    761: Climate Action and Organizational Adaptation: Behavioral and Strategic Responses
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Session Moderator: Toby Li – Texas A&M U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    761: Dynamics of Lifestyle Change: The Effect of Pro-Environmental Behaviours on Australians (12698)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Subhadarsini Parida – lecturer, U. of South Australia
    Author: Deepak Sardana – College of Business and Law, RMIT U.
    Author: Narain Gupta – Management Development Institute Gurgaon
    Author: Sameer Deshpande – Griffith U., Australia
    Author: Graham Bradley – Griffith U., Australia
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    762: Green Innovation: The Roles of Green Inclusive Leadership, Green Knowledge and CSR Communication (10696)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Kamal Badar – Nottingham U. Business School (Malaysia)
    Author: Ahmad Nabeel Siddiquei – Bond Business School, Bond U., Australia
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    761: Firm Speed and Environmental Accidents (15302)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Toby Li – Texas A&M U.
    Author: Ashton Lewis Hawk – U. of Colorado, Boulder
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    762: Performance Effects of Corporate Sustainability Strategies Using a Semiotic Square Approach (12937)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Marco S. Giarratana – IE Business School
    Author: Martina Pasquini – IE Business School
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    761: Climate Change and Corporate Vulnerability: Impact of Natural Disasters on JVs and WOSs (16926)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Huan Zou – SOAS U. of London
    Author: Laixiang Sun – U. of Maryland at College Park
    Author: Zhao Zeng – College of Management and Economics, Tianjin U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    762: Green Innovation Roots: Exploring CEO Psychological Traits as Precursors (19563)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Ajith Venugopal – Texas A&M International U.
    Author: SAHA IQBAL HOSSAIN – Texas A&M International U.
    Author: Abdul Rasheed – U. of Texas At Arlington
    Author: Glory George – Indian School of Business
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    761: Where Do We Go from Here? Muddling Through Business Adaptation to Climate Change (17200)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Kerrigan Marie Machado Unter – U. of St. Gallen
    Author: Jorge Rivera – George Washington U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    762: Proactive vs. Reactive Green: How Political Connections Shape Corporate Environmental Practices (20376)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Nan Zhang – School of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical U., Xi'an, Shaanxi, Chi
    Author: Huiying Li – School of management, Northwestern Polytechnical U.
    Author: Yu Chang – Northwestern Polytechnical U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    764: Editor Panel: Sustainability Research from Underrepresented Regions of the World (13194)
    Location: Marriott: Wrigleyville
    Organizer: Christina Bidmon – Utrecht U.
    Organizer: Nancy E. Landrum – Munich Business School
    Organizer: Shili Chen – Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool U.
    Organizer: Remy Balarezo – U. de Piura
    Panelist: Michael V. Russo – U. of Oregon
    Panelist: Céline Louche – Waikato Management School, The U. of Waikato
    Panelist: Harry J. Van Buren – U. of Tennessee, Chattanooga
    Panelist: Garima Sharma – American U., Kogod School of Business
    Panelist: Maoliang Bu – Nanjing U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    763: ONE Executive Meeting (21622)
    Location: Marriott: Lincolnshire 1
    Organizer: Sara B. Soderstrom – U. of Michigan
    Organizer: Nardia Haigh – U. of Massachusetts
    Organizer: Martina K. Linnenluecke – U. of Technology, Sydney
    Organizer: Sukhbir Kaur Sandhu – U. of South Australia
    Organizer: Kai N. Hockerts – Copenhagen Business School
    Organizer: Ajith Venugopal – Texas A&M International U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    849: Sustainability Transitions: Policy Impacts and Organizational Adaptations
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Session Moderator: Quanling Cai – Tianjin U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    849: A Group Study of Employment Levels in Low-Carbon Pilot Cities: Complex Configuration Perspective (10473)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Quanling Cai – Tianjin U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    849: Greenhoused Organizations: Climate Information and the Transformation of Corporate Sustainability (12263)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Janna Huang – UC Berkeley
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    849: Gold or Green Finger: Government Influence in Venture Capital Investments and Green Innovations (16346)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Xiaomin Fan – Nanjing U. of Science and Technology
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    849: Policy Framework and Cleantech Entrepreneurship in Europe: A Machine Learning Approach (18648)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Annalisa Croce – Politecnico di Milano School of Management
    Author: Laura Toschi – U. of Bologna
    Author: Elisa Ughetto – Politecnico di Torino
    Author: Sara Zanni – Alma Mater Studiorum U. di Bologna
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    850: Beyond the Facade: Corporate Greenwashing and Ways to Address It (18427)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Organizer: Svetlana Flankova – U. of Liverpool
    Organizer: Valentina Marano – Northeastern U.
    Organizer: Ruth V. Aguilera – Northeastern U.
    Organizer: Pete Tashman – UMass Lowell
    Panelist: Ioannis Ioannou – London Business School
    Panelist: Eun-Hee Kim – Fordham U.
    Panelist: Thomas Peyton Lyon – U. of Michigan
    Panelist: A. Wren Montgomery – Ivey Business School
    Panelist: Maurizio Zollo – Imperial College Business School
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    943: CEO Influence on Environmental Strategies
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Session Moderator: Yufei Cheng – Lingnan U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    944: Environmental Policy and Market Dynamics in Sustainability
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Session Moderator: Gian Maria Mallarino – PhD Candidate at Bocconi U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    943: CEO Bottom-Line Mentality, Green HRM and Environmental Reputation: The Moderating Effect of Firm FP (13592)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Yufei Cheng – Lingnan U.
    Author: Guiyao Tang – Shandong U.
    Author: Wei Liu – Shandong U., China
    Author: Mike Crant – U. of Notre Dame
    Author: Yifeng Chen – Lingnan U.
    Author: Nan Wang – Lingnan U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    944: Issue Field Interaction In The Voluntary Carbon Market (15965)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Gian Maria Mallarino – PhD Candidate at Bocconi U.
    Author: Mislav Radic – Bocconi U.
    Author: Valentina Mele – Bocconi U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    943: Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics: Employee Attentiveness to Climate Change as a Moderator (14827)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Mary Triana – Owen Graduate School of Management Vanderbilt U.
    Author: Jorge Delgado – UMass Amherst
    Author: M. Fernanda Garcia – U. of Texas at El Paso
    Author: Huafang Liu – Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City U. of New York
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    944: Policy Effectiveness and Optimal Strategies of Environmental Tax: Evidence from China (15975)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Xiaomin Lyu – Beijing Information Science and Technology U.
    Author: Jingjing Wang – Beijing Information Science and Technology U.
    Author: Hui Wang – Beijing Information Science and Technology U.
    Author: Shunming Zhang – Renmin U. of China
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    943: Who is More Concerned? CEO Political Ideology and Firm’s Perceived Exposure to Climate Change (15709)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Jingru YU – The Chinese U. of Hong Kong
    Author: Haibin Yang – Chinese U. of Hong Kong
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    944: Advocacy Group Messaging on Oil and Gas: Unveiling Policy Narratives Through Text Mining and Network (16758)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Yutong Si – Northeastern U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    943: Do CEOs with Government Work Experience Foster Enterprise Investment in Pollution Control (WITHDRAWN) (17657)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Mixiang Peng – ZheJiang GongShang U.
    Author: Chaolin Zhang – Hunan U. of Technology and Business
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    944: The Illusion of Science-Based Targets in Tackling Scope 3 Emissions and Supply Chain Carbon Leakage (18905)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Qian Li – Cardiff Business School, Cardiff U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    951: Business Innovation as a Force for Good in a Time of Climate Change (19234)
    Location: Marriott: Wrigleyville
    Organizer: Chris Laszlo – Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve U.
    Panelist: Sandra A. Waddock – Boston College
    Panelist: Anita Mendiratta – Keshav Mahavidyalaya, U. of Delhi
    Panelist: Mekobe Ajebe – PhD Candidate at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve U.
    Panelist: Ju Young Lee – Ivey Business School
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    15:00 – 18:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    945: ONE ISC Impact Safari (10560)
    Location: Marriott: Marriott Lobby
    Host: A. Wren Montgomery – Ivey Business School
    Host: Sylvia Grewatsch – Brock U.
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1046: Challenges and Strategies in Sustainable Practice and Certification
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Session Moderator: Carol T. Kulik – U. of South Australia
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1047: Sustainable Innovation and Leadership: Navigating Organizational Change for the Future
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Session Moderator: Hui Lu – Nanjing U. of Science and Technology
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1046: Too Expensive, Too Many, Too Hard: Sustainability Certification in the Australian Fashion Industry (15018)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Carol T. Kulik – U. of South Australia
    Author: Sukhbir Kaur Sandhu – U. of South Australia
    Author: Josephine Mckenzie – U. of South Australia
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1047: How can Green Ambidextrous Leadership Most Enhance Employees’ Green Innovation Behavior (11849)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Hui Lu – Nanjing U. of Science and Technology
    Author: Huanmei Pi – China U. of Mining and Technology
    Author: Shen Xu – New York U. Shanghai
    Author: Sixuan Chen – Nanjing U. of Science and Technology
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1046: Temporary Organizing with Nature: Reconfiguring the Organization-Natural Environment Interplay (16599)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Jonathan Feddersen – Copenhagen Business School
    Author: Sunny Mosangzi Xu – Copenhagen Business School
    Author: Tor Hernes – Copenhagen Business School
    Author: Majken Schultz – Copenhagen Business School
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1047: Regenerative Innovation: A Source of Competitive Advantage in the Anthropocene Era (13938)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Mac Nguyen – Gustavson School of Business, U. of Victoria
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1046: Family Ownership and the Impact of Motives on Sustainability Practices in SMEs (17616)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Mateja Bodlaj – U. of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
    Author: Barbara Cater – U. of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
    Author: Patricia Patricia Milic – U. of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
    Author: Tomaz Cater – U. of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
    Author: Vesna Zabkar – U. of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1047: Entrepreneurs’ Journey Through Systems Thinking Tension in New Product Development (16119)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Viktorija Varaniute – Kaunas U. of Technology, School of Economics and Business
    Author: Lina Dagiliene – Kaunas U. of Technology, School of Economics and Business
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1046: All Sustainable? How Businesses can Manage Transitions to Sustainability (18450)
    Location: Marriott: Huron
    Author: Leonardo Boni – Politecnico di Milano School of Management
    Author: Gorgi Krlev – ESCP Business School
    Author: Riccardo Fini – U. of Bologna
    Author: Laura Toschi – U. of Bologna
  • Sunday, Aug 11th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1047: Open Ambidextrous Learning: Green Technological Readiness, Green Innovation and Sustainability (20006)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Junggeun Kim – Hanyang U.
    Author: Taewoo Roh – Hanyang U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1184: Interorganizational Dynamics and Collaboration
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Session Moderator: Eva Niesten – SKEMA Business School - U. Côte d'Azur
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1183: Leadership, Organizational Behavior, and Sustainability Performance
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Session Moderator: Muhammad Arshad – CERGAM, IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Aix-Marseille U., France
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1182: Sustainability Integration in Education and Organizational Strategy
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Session Moderator: Nancy B. Kurland – Franklin & Marshall College
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1182: A Typology of Courses in Sustainability in Management Education (12414)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Nancy B. Kurland – Franklin & Marshall College
    Author: Elshaday Melkamu – Franklin & Marshall College
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1183: A Pathway from Green Norms to Green Creative Behavior: Integration of Gender and Approach Motivation (12648)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Muhammad Arshad – CERGAM, IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Aix-Marseille U., France
    Author: Sumbal Waqas – Lahore Business School The U. of Lahore
    Author: Sadia Afzal – EDC Paris Business School, OCRE Laboratory, Courbevoie, France
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1184: Mitigating Uncertainty in Sustainable Business Ecosystems: Ecosystem Strategies of Solar Firms (11735)
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Author: Eva Niesten – SKEMA Business School - U. Côte d'Azur
    Author: Albert Jolink – SKEMA Business School - U. Côte d'Azur
    Author: Jonatan Pinkse – King's College London
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1182: Paradox of Control: A Complex Systems View on Sustainability Approaches in UK Universities (16273)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Antonia Voigt – U. of Bristol
    Author: Andrew MacLaren – Edinburgh Business School, Heriot Watt U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1183: “They Treat You Like an Animal:” Reimagining Ethical Working Lives Through the Human/Animal Boundary (16074)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Kate Dashper – Leeds Beckett U.
    Author: Helen Wadham – Manchester Metropolitan U. Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1184: Suppliers’ Green Strategic Intent and Buyers’ Environmental Performance (17977)
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Author: Adeel Khalid – -
    Author: Shaker Bani-Melhem – U. of Sharjah, UAE
    Author: Muhammad Waheed Akhtar – Rabat Business School, International U. of Rabat, Morocco
    Author: Munazza Saeed – National U. of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Chiniot-Faisalabad Campus
    Author: Muhammad Usman – U. of Sharjah
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1182: Market or Community Logics? How MNE Subsidiaries Respond to Mandated Social Innovation in India (16800)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Irene Chu – Newcastle U. Business School
    Author: Mayank Sewak – Newcastle U. Business School
    Author: Rohitkumar Trivedi – School of Management, U. of Bradford
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1183: Chief Sustainability Officer’s Role Centrality and Corporate Sustainability Performance (17937)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Taiwo Abraham – U. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    Author: Gabriel Owusu – U. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
    Author: Xuan Wang – U. of Texas Rio Grande Valley
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1184: Of Friends and Foes: Dynamics of Managing Tensions in Interorganizational Collaborations (19799)
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Author: Maria Schmidt – Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen
    Author: Philipp A. Trotter – U. of Wuppertal - Schumpeter School of Business and Economics
    Author: Aoife Marie Brophy – U. of Oxford
    Author: David Antons – RWTH Aachen U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1182: Dreams Deferred: The Challenges of Integrating Sustainability in Business Education (20018)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Jean Garner Stead – East Tennessee State U.
    Author: Michelle Sullivan – East Tennessee State U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1183: Entrepreneur Status Perception and Corporate Environmental Strategy in China (18247)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Juelin Yin – Sun Yat-Sen U.
    Author: Xinyi Hua – Sun Yat-Sen U.
    Author: Xueji Liang – Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1184: The Sustainability Performance Implications of Inter-Firm Coopetition (19883)
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Author: Yemisi Oke – RWTH Aachen U. - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group (WIN)
    Author: Denise Fischer-Kreer – U. of Bonn
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1183: Leading for Strong Sustainability? An Integrative Review on Paradoxical Leadership (20885)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Myriam N. Bechtoldt – EBS U. of Business and Law
    Author: Carina Keller – EBS U. für Wirtschaft und Recht
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1298: Sustainable Business Innovations and Public-Private Dynamics
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Session Moderator: Wendy Stubbs – Monash U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1296: Sustainability Dynamics: From Tourism to Ecosystems and Global Value Chains
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Session Moderator: Nhung T. Hendy – Towson U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1297: Sustainability Orientation and Organizational Practices
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Session Moderator: Emilia Filippi – U. of Brescia
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1296: Intellectual Humility in Sustainable Tourism Development: A Stakeholder Analysis (14491)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Nhung T. Hendy – Towson U.
    Author: Nathalie Montargot – La Rochelle Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1297: Unraveling the Complex Interplay of Women Directors, Eco-Innovation, and Situational Contingencies (19275)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Emilia Filippi – U. of Brescia
    Author: Letizia Lo Preiato – U. of Brescia
    Author: Mariasole Bannò – U. of Brescia
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1298: Innovating Systemic Solutions for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (13684)
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Author: Amanda Nicole Williams – IMD Business School
    Author: Kathleen Klaniecki – Chemonics International
    Author: Christian Dorninger – U. of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1296: What Constitutes the Blue Economy? Disentangling Placelessness, Development, and Sustainability (15184)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Carolin Decker-Lange – Brunel Business School, Brunel U. London
    Author: Paul Caussat – School of Business and Management, Royal Holloway, U. of London, UK
    Author: Katharina Bothe – German Maritime Museum - Leibniz Institute for Maritime History
    Author: Knut Lange – Department of Management, Royal Holloway
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1297: Organizational Sustainability Orientation and its Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis (19587)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Matheus Tardin – FGV EAESP
    Author: Marcelo Gattermann Perin – EAESP - FGV
    Author: Luiza Braga – FGV EAESP
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1298: The Role of SMEs’ Sustainable Business Model Experimentation in Sustainability Transitions (17787)
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Author: Wendy Stubbs – Monash U.
    Author: Megan Farrelly – Monash U.
    Author: Kyra Fabianke – Monash U., Australia
    Author: Minh Nguyen – Monash U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1296: Game of Green Thrones: Interorganizational Tensions and Disempowerment Dynamics in GVC (16111)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Simone Carmine – IESEG School of Management
    Author: Valentina De Marchi – ESADE Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1297: Sustainability Transformation or Utopia? The Role of Organizational Practices for Resolving Tensions (20722)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Timo Busch – U. of Hamburg
    Author: Carolin Weber – U. of Hamburg
    Author: Theresa Sophie Rötzel – U. of Hamburg
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1298: Public-Private Dynamics in Launching the Direct Air Capture Industry (18410)
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Author: Ho-Wei Hsu – HEC Paris
    Author: Wenru Shi – HEC Paris
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1296: Narratives of Nature: The Work of Social Ecological System Intervention (17049)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: David R. Hannah – Beedie School of Business Simon Fraser U.
    Author: Kirsten Marie-Paule Robertson – U. of the Fraser Valley
    Author: Brett Van Poorten – Simon Fraser U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1297: Towards a Theory of Planned Organizational Behavior (20772)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Waqas Nawaz – Smith School of Business, Queen's U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1298: Value Proposition Strategies and Investment Decisions for Green Offerings (20836)
    Location: Marriott: Printers Row
    Author: Marcel Aksoy – Saarland U.
    Author: Benedikt Schnellbächer – Saarland U.
    Author: Alex Schöneseiffen – Saarland U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1433: Decision-Making for Collective Organizing in Community Contexts
    Location: Sheraton: Superior A
    Organizer: Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic – ETH Zürich
    Discussant: Roberto Gutiérrez – U. de los Andes
    Organizer: Ivan Dario Lobo Romero – U. de los Andes
    Presenter: Dorthe Doejbak Haakonsson – Aarhus U.
    Participant: Alexandra Valencia Zapata – Aarhus U., Department of Management
    Participant: Erik Reimer Larsen – Aarhus U.
    Presenter: Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic – ETH Zürich
    Presenter: Daphne Quintella Coelho Dutra – Daphne Coelho
    Presenter: Stephen Smulowitz – Wake Forest U.
    Discussant: Ozgecan Kocak – Emory U., Goizueta Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1433: Collaborating on natural resource commons (20894)
    Location: Sheraton: Superior A
    Author: Dorthe Doejbak Haakonsson – Aarhus U.
    Author: Alexandra Valencia Zapata – Aarhus U., Department of Management
    Author: Erik Reimer Larsen – Aarhus U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1433: Promoting urban development via polycentric governance: the case of Favelas (20894)
    Location: Sheraton: Superior A
    Author: Daphne Quintella Coelho Dutra – Daphne Coelho
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1433: The community logic as a resource and a constraint: its effects on financial performance (20894)
    Location: Sheraton: Superior A
    Author: Stephen Smulowitz – Wake Forest U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1433: Multiple-goal achievement in fragile ecosystems: how community leaders in the Colombian Pacific (20894)
    Location: Sheraton: Superior A
    Author: Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic – ETH Zürich
    Author: Ivan Dario Lobo Romero – U. de los Andes
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1404: Imagining a More Just and Sustainable Future (10563)
    Location: Marriott: Addison
    Organizer: Sara B. Soderstrom – U. of Michigan
    Organizer: Kai N. Hockerts – Copenhagen Business School
    Organizer: Nardia Haigh – U. of Massachusetts
    Organizer: Martina K. Linnenluecke – U. of Technology, Sydney
    Organizer: Sukhbir Kaur Sandhu – U. of South Australia
    Speaker: Grace Augustine – School of Management, U. of Bath
    Speaker: Judith Louise Walls – HSG U. of St. Gallen
    Speaker: A. Wren Montgomery – Ivey Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1509: The Biophilia Effect: Innovative Management With Nature in Mind
    Location: Swissotel: Zurich A
    Organizer: Lin Jiang – U. of South Florida
    Organizer: J. Jeffrey Gish – U. of Central Florida
    Organizer: Elizabeth Embry – U. of Kansas
    Organizer: Ian Siderits – North Carolina State U.
    Discussant: Anthony Klotz – UCL School of Management
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1521: Re-Imagining the Relationship Between Business and Justice
    Location: Marriott: Scottsdale
    Presenter: Catherine Owsik – U. of Michigan, Ross School of Business
    Presenter: Rosalie Luo – Ivey Business School
    Discussant: A. Wren Montgomery – Ivey Business School
    Presenter: Elizabeth Embry – U. of Kansas
    Presenter: Jeff York – U. of Colorado, Boulder
    Presenter: Camille Roger Meyer – U. of Cape Town
    Organizer: Catherine Owsik – U. of Michigan, Ross School of Business
    Organizer: Rosalie Luo – Ivey Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1520: Regional Dynamics and Global Perspectives in Environmental Sustainability
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Session Moderator: Andra Riandita – U. of Stavanger Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1519: Stakeholder Dynamics and Strategic Engagement in Sustainable Development
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Session Moderator: Limin Fu – Monash U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1509: Exploring How the Built Environment Interacts with the Changing Nature of Organizations (13095)
    Location: Swissotel: Zurich A
    Author: Elizabeth Embry – U. of Kansas
    Author: Jennifer Rhymer – UCL School of Management
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1519: The Role of Community Engagement in Circular Economy Capabilities (13143)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Limin Fu – Monash U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1520: Does Location Matter for Eco-Innovation? A Comparison Between Core and Peripheral Regions (17003)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Xiangyu Quan – U. of Stavanger
    Author: Marte Solheim – U. of Stavanger
    Author: Andra Riandita – U. of Stavanger Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1521: The Role of Organizations in a Just Future: A Review and Path Forward (21256)
    Location: Marriott: Scottsdale
    Author: Rosalie Luo – Ivey Business School
    Author: A. Wren Montgomery – Ivey Business School
    Author: Catherine Owsik – U. of Michigan, Ross School of Business
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1509: Introspection While Outdoors: Nature Interventions as Real-time Recovery for Entrepreneurs (13095)
    Location: Swissotel: Zurich A
    Author: J. Jeffrey Gish – U. of Central Florida
    Author: Ute Stephan – King's College London
    Author: Jon C. Carr – North Carolina State U.
    Author: Réka Anna Lassu – Pepperdine U.
    Author: Sarah Burrows – Smith School of Business, Queen's U.
    Author: Jeffrey M. Pollack – NC State U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1519: How Sustainable Shareholders use Indirect Strategies to Influence Companies (19087)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Tanja Ohlson – UNSW Sydney
    Author: Emilio Marti – Erasmus U. Rotterdam
    Author: Falko Paetzold – EBS U. of Business and Law
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1520: How Novelty Fuels Biospheric Concerns: Insights from Visiting a Mega-Event of Dubai 2020 Expo (18528)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Yi Zhang – Zayed U.
    Author: Juan Du – Shanghai International Studies U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1521: The Unintended Double Tax on Minority Professionals as Firms React to Co-occurring Social Movements (21256)
    Location: Marriott: Scottsdale
    Author: Elizabeth Embry – U. of Kansas
    Author: Jeff York – U. of Colorado, Boulder
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1509: Green Imprinting and Trait Activation: CEO Childhood Hometown Green Space and Firm Green Innovation (13095)
    Location: Swissotel: Zurich A
    Author: Lin Jiang – U. of South Florida
    Author: Weijia Zhi – The Chinese U. of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
    Author: Yi Tang – U. of Hong Kong
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1519: Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) Dynamics for Evolving Partnership Goals (19114)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Soumyo Das – EMLYON Business School
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1520: The Colors of Aliens: A Replication Study on Environmental Practices of Foreign-Owned Establishments (19578)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Narae Lee – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    Author: Franziska Hittmair – NOVA School of Business and Economics
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1521: How Green is it? White-Washing in American Environmental Justice (21256)
    Location: Marriott: Scottsdale
    Author: Catherine Owsik – U. of Michigan, Ross School of Business
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1509: The Mixed Consequences of Human-Animal Work on Worker Creativity (13095)
    Location: Swissotel: Zurich A
    Author: Anthony Klotz – UCL School of Management
    Author: Carisa Lam – U. College London
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1519: Sustainability Liability? Individual Environmental Concerns and Startup Legitimacy (19764)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Sonal Nayak – Doctoral Student at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1520: Multistakeholder Partnerships and Climate Adaptation: Insights From Switzerland’s Disaster Insurance (20617)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Eugenia Cacciatori – Bayes Business School, City U. of London
    Author: Paula Jarzabkowski – U. of Queensland
    Author: Rebecca Bednarek – Victoria Management School
    Author: Konstantinos Chalkias – Birkbeck, U. of London
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1521: Just Regeneration: Biocultural Rights and Biodiversity in the Faure Community (21256)
    Location: Marriott: Scottsdale
    Author: Camille Roger Meyer – U. of Cape Town
    Author: Charon Marais – Stellenbosch U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1509: Implications of Nature Contact for Management Research: A Multidisciplinary Review (13095)
    Location: Swissotel: Zurich A
    Author: Ian Siderits – North Carolina State U.
    Author: Patrick Flynn – North Carolina State U.
    Author: Melissa Marselle – U. of Surrey
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1519: How Strategic Decisions Impact the Success of Local Advocacy Interventions at Greenpeace (21183)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Yves Plourde – HEC Montreal
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1628: Environmental Dynamics and Organizational Responses in Sustainability Research
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Session Moderator: Brooke A. Lahneman – Montana State U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1629: Corporate Social Responsibility: Employee Engagement and Organizational Dynamics
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Session Moderator: Subhadarsini Parida – lecturer, U. of South Australia
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1628: (Re) Focusing on Planetary Boundaries for Corporate Sustainability Research (13097)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Brooke A. Lahneman – Montana State U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1629: CSR and Employee Constructive Deviance: The Roles of Calling and CSR Attribution (13579)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Xue Han – Renmin U. of China
    Author: Yuhui Li – Renmin U. of China
    Author: Vivien Lim – National U. of Singapore
    Author: Jie Li – Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1628: The Effects of Natural Disasters on Green Innovation (16159)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Lisa Keding – RWTH Aachen U.
    Author: Marten Christian Ritterrath – U. of Cologne
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1629: Can ‘Psychological Reactance’ be the Secret Sauce to Pro-Environmental Behaviours? (17496)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Subhadarsini Parida – lecturer, U. of South Australia
    Author: Deepak Sardana – College of Business and Law, RMIT U.
    Author: Narain Gupta – Management Development Institute Gurgaon
    Author: Sameer Deshpande – Griffith U., Australia
    Author: Graham Bradley – Griffith U., Australia
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1628: Is It Still None of My Business? Firms’ Exposure to CC-Related Natural Disasters and GHG Emissions (16964)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Soolim Park – George Washington U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1629: Integrating CSR into Executive Compensation: Board Characteristics and Institutional Pressures (18442)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Yuting Hou – Public U. of Navarre
    Author: Alejandro Bello-Pintado – Public U. of Navarre
    Author: Teresa Garcia-Marco – U. Publica de Navarra
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1628: How First-Responder Occupations Condition Climate Futures (17404)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Laura Albareda – LUT Business School
    Author: Oana Branzei – Ivey Business School
    Author: Marc Castellnou – GRAF
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1629: Sustainability Managers’ Moral Role Identity and Moral (Dis) Engagement (20963)
    Location: Marriott: Dupage
    Author: Carina Keller – EBS U. für Wirtschaft und Recht
    Author: Diane Sophie Owin – EBS Business School EBS U. für Wirtschaft und Recht
    Author: Karin Kreutzer – EBS U.
    Author: Myriam N. Bechtoldt – EBS U. of Business and Law
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1630: Engaging Sustainability in and From the Field: Innovative Practices from ONE Teaching Award Winners (13320)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Organizer: Stuart A. Allen – Robert Morris U.
    Moderator: Stuart A. Allen – Robert Morris U.
    Facilitator: Divya Singhal – Goa Institute of Management
    Presenter: Christopher Craig – Murray State U.
    Presenter: Sara B. Soderstrom – U. of Michigan
    Facilitator: Georg Reischauer – WU Vienna & JKU Linz
    Presenter: Garima Sharma – American U., Kogod School of Business
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    16:45 – 18:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1719: ONE Business Meeting (21623)
    Location: Marriott: Belmont
    Organizer: Sara B. Soderstrom – U. of Michigan
    Organizer: Nardia Haigh – U. of Massachusetts
    Organizer: Martina K. Linnenluecke – U. of Technology, Sydney
    Organizer: Sukhbir Kaur Sandhu – U. of South Australia
    Organizer: Kai N. Hockerts – Copenhagen Business School
    Organizer: Ajith Venugopal – Texas A&M International U.
  • Monday, Aug 12th
    18:00 – 21:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2388: ONE Social (10559)
    Location: Offsite: True Food Kitchen Chicago
    Organizer: Sara B. Soderstrom – U. of Michigan
    Organizer: Nardia Haigh – U. of Massachusetts
    Organizer: Kai N. Hockerts – Copenhagen Business School
    Organizer: Sukhbir Kaur Sandhu – U. of South Australia
    Organizer: Martina K. Linnenluecke – U. of Technology, Sydney
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1857: ESG Dynamics and Strategic Communication in CSR
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Session Moderator: Majid Ghorbani – China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1856: Circular Economy Transitions: Strategies, Capabilities, and Market Impacts
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Session Moderator: Agnes Toth-Peter – Queensland U. of Technology
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1855: Technological Disruption and Strategic Thinking in Environmental Performance
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Session Moderator: Nathan Sorin – SKEMA Business School
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1855: AI-Driven Leverage Points for the Natural Environment (12972)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Nathan Sorin – SKEMA Business School
    Author: Margherita Pagani – SKEMA Business School - U. Côte d'Azur
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1856: An Industry 4.0-Enabled Circular Economy Transition Framework (14553)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Agnes Toth-Peter – Queensland U. of Technology
    Author: Rui Torres de Oliveira – Queensland U. of Technology
    Author: Shane Mathews – Queensland U. of Technology
    Author: Leonie Barner – Queensland U. of Technology
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1857: Hush-Hush Figures: The Strategic Whisper of ESG Discrepancy in CSR Disclosures (14712)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Xin Pan – Southwestern U. of Finance and Economics
    Author: Xuanjin Chen – School of Economics and Management Southwest Jiaotong U.
    Author: Majid Ghorbani – China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1855: Robust Disruption: Responding to Technology Forcing in the Launch of Electric Vehicles (17609)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Jan M. W. N Lepoutre – ESSEC Business School
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1856: Green or Greed? How Closed-Loop Orientation Relates to Company Value in Innovation-Driven Economies (16151)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Vincent Julius Verweyen – Chair of Technology Management / TIE Institute, TU Dortmund U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1857: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: The ESG Inconsistency Paradox in Corporate Practices (15924)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Yawen Li – Beijing U. of Posts and Telecommunications
    Author: Mengyu Zhuang – Beijing U. of Posts and Telecommunications
    Author: Jingwen Liang – Beijing U. of Posts and Telecommunications
    Author: Wei Chi – Tsinghua U.
    Author: Jinyi Zhou – U. of Science and Technology Beijing
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1855: Words That Mean Change: Paradoxical Thinking and Eco-Efficiency in the Automotive (19399)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Frank Figge – ESCP Business School
    Author: Mauricio Marrone – Macquarie Business School, Macquarie U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1856: Unpacking Circular Economy Capabilities: What We can Learn from Family Businesses (16694)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Nicola Blum – Bern U. of Applied Sciences
    Author: Rahel Meili – Bern U. of Applied Sciences
    Author: Sabrina Schell – Bern U. of Applied Sciences
    Author: Tobias Stucki – Bern U. of Applied Sciences
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1857: Walk the Talk? Investigating the Performative Effect of Corporate Sustainability Communication (18393)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Manuel Reppmann – U. of Hamburg
    Author: Frederik Maibaum – Leibniz U. Hannover
    Author: Laura Marie Edinger-Schons – U. of Hamburg
    Author: J. Nils Foege – Leibniz U. Hannover
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1856: Circular Economy in Fashion: Inter-Organizational Learning by Firms and Civil Society Organizations (16779)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Raphalela M. Fritz – Witten/Herdecke U.
    Author: Leona Henry – Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud U. Nijmegen
    Author: Guido Moellering – Witten/Herdecke U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1857: CSR Language and the Divergence of ESG Ratings (18948)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Wenzhuo Guo – Northwestern Polytechnical U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    08:00 – 09:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1856: Green Fairytales or Green Futures: Circular Innovation Practice in Resource-Intensive Industries (19447)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Hannah Altenburg – Friedrich-Alexander U. of Erlangen-Nürnberg
    Author: Lauren Anne Mackintosh – Friedrich-Alexander U. of Erlangen-Nürnberg
    Author: Kai-Ingo Voigt – Friedrich-Alexander U. of Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1941: Spirituality and Nature: Alternative Ontologies to Innovate for the Future.
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Participant: Kathryn Pavlovich – U. of Waikato Management School
    Participant: Payal Kumar – Indian school of hospitality
    Participant: Sreejit Datta – Karnavati U., India
    Participant: Peter McGhee – Auckland U. of Technology
    Participant: Myk Habets – Laidlaw College
    Participant: Danielle Smith – U. Waikato Management School
    Participant: Manuel Tejeda – Barry U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1975: Sustainability Communication and Perception
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Session Moderator: Frederik Maibaum – Leibniz U. Hannover
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1941: Priestly work or corporate sellouts: God, creation and order (15580)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Peter McGhee – Auckland U. of Technology
    Author: Myk Habets – Laidlaw College
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1975: Back to the Future? Navigating Temporal Tensions in Corporate Sustainability Communication (12369)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Frederik Maibaum – Leibniz U. Hannover
    Author: Ghita Dragsdahl Lauritzen – U. of Copenhagen
    Author: J. Nils Foege – Leibniz U. Hannover
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1941: Chhath: Making sense of human-nature interrelations through the sun festival in India (15580)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Payal Kumar – Indian school of hospitality
    Author: Sreejit Datta – Karnavati U., India
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1975: Out of Sight, Out of Mind - How Visibility Dynamics Influence the MSI Legitimacy Formation (15073)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Johanna Jarvela – IESEG School of Management
    Author: Marjo Elisa Siltaoja – U. of Jyväskylä
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1941: Pathways To Papatūānuku: Ecological Capitalism (15580)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Danielle Smith – U. Waikato Management School
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1975: Towards the Natural Environment Agency Theory (NEAT) (18724)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Amama Shaukat – Brunel U. London
    Author: Rajesh Tharyan – Newcastle Business School, Northumbria U.
    Author: Grzegorz Trojanowski – U. of Exeter
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1941: Witchcraft at work: Developing a managerial understanding of magical practices (15580)
    Location: Marriott: Cook
    Author: Manuel Tejeda – Barry U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1975: Attention Matters: Time and Environmental Orientation in the Implementation of Sustainable Practices (18770)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Chukwuka Igboanua – LUT U., LUT Business School
    Author: Henri Hakala – LUT Business School
    Author: Sanna Heinänen – LUT U., School of Business and Management
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    09:45 – 11:15 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    1976: Organizing with Nature: Unfolding the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Complexities (13201)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Organizer: Sunny Mosangzi Xu – Copenhagen Business School
    Organizer: Miriam Feuls – Copenhagen Business School
    Panelist: Brooke A. Lahneman – Montana State U.
    Panelist: Juliane Reinecke – Oxford U., Saïd Business School
    Panelist: Innan Sasaki – Warwick Business School
    Panelist: Natalie Slawinski – U. of Victoria
    Discussant: Raghu Garud – Pennsylvania State U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2095: Governance, Risk, and Sustainability: Shaping Corporate Environmental Strategies
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Session Moderator: Himanshu Shekhar – Doctoral Student at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2093: Digitalization and Sustainability in Market Evolution and Innovation
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Session Moderator: Yuxuan Xie – School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2094: Corporate Strategies and Governance in Environmental Sustainability
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Session Moderator: John-Patrick Akinyemi – UT Austin
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2092: Navigating Risks and Opportunities in Sustainable Investment and Management
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Session Moderator: Jongsoo Kim – Hong Kong Baptist U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2092: The Impact of the Top Management Team’s Gender Diversity on Target Choice Regarding CSP (15366)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Y.Anthony Kim – U. of North Carolina-Greensboro
    Author: Jongsoo Kim – Hong Kong Baptist U.
    Author: Liqun Wei – hkbu
    Author: Gaoguang Zhou – -
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2093: Context-Driven Innovation Ecosystem: The Environmentally Sustainable Innovation of Power Battery (WITHDRAWN) (13967)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Yuxuan Xie – School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua U.
    Author: Liyan Wang – Tsinghua U.
    Author: Lingxiao Qian – School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2094: Organizational Intent to Learn: Harnessing Framing for the Inflation Reduction Act (14131)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: John-Patrick Akinyemi – UT Austin
    Author: Meenal Banga – U. of Texas at Austin
    Author: Yunxiang Bai – McCombs School of Business, U. of Texas at Austin
    Author: Tianyu Zhou – -
    Author: Junyeon Rhee – U. of Texas at Austin
    Author: Daniel Nielson – UT Austin
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2095: Custom Governance: How Do Owners and Board Together Facilitate Voluntary Environmental Disclosures? (WITHDRAWN) (13508)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Himanshu Shekhar – Doctoral Student at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2092: Do Sustainable Private Investors Get What They ask For? (WITHDRAWN) (15561)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Julia Eckert – U. of Kassel
    Author: Thomas Cauthorn – U. of Kassel
    Author: Anne Kellers – U. of Groningen
    Author: Bernhard Zwegel – U. of Kassel
    Author: Christian Klein – U. of Kassel
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2093: Making Markets Machine-Readable: Digital Transformations of Social-Ecological Systems in East Africa (17061)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Parijat Chakrabarti – U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2094: An Investigation of the Interplay Between Financial Leverage and GHG Emissions (14735)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Martina Barbaglia – Politecnico di Milano School of Management
    Author: Giancarlo Giudici – Politecnico di Milano School of Management
    Author: David Hillier – U. of Strathclyde
    Author: Jonathan Taglialatela – Politecnico di Milano School of Management
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2095: Combine Top-Down and Bottom-Up: Multilevel Water Governance for Sustainability Transitions (15712)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Yali YI – Shanghai Jiao Tong U.
    Author: Pelin Demirel – Imperial College London
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2092: The Link Between Climate Change Risk Perception, Strategy, and Performance: A Risk-Based Approach (19146)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Martin Nerlinger – HSG U. of St. Gallen
    Author: Sarah Stephen – U. of Liverpool Management School
    Author: Sebastian Utz – U. Augsburg
    Author: Judith Louise Walls – HSG U. of St. Gallen
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2093: Navigating Towards the Promised Land of Digitalization and Sustainability Convergence (WITHDRAWN) (18465)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Jesus Valero – U. of Zaragoza
    Author: Inés Suárez – U. of Zaragoza
    Author: Concepcion Garces-Ayerbe – U. of Zaragoza
    Author: Pilar Rivera-Torres – U. of Zaragoza
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2094: Across the Boards: Corporate Governance and Access to Climate Finance (17529)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Tetsekela Anyiam-Osigwe – Princeton U.
    Author: Sherwat Elwan Ibrahim – American U. in Cairo
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2095: Institutional Voids Effects on Risk Management: Mining Companies Managing Tailing Dam Failures Risks (17029)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Cinara Gambirage – U. of Groningen
    Author: Carmen Migueles – Adjunct professor, Getulio Vargas Foundation
    Author: Jaison Caetano Da Silva – Fundação Getúlio Vargas/EBAPE
    Author: Marco Zanini – Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2092: Choosing Battles You can win: How PE Fund Managers Address Tensions When Integrating ESG (21310)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Tjarda Molenaar – Vrije U. Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2093: Sustainability Amidst Crisis: Harnessing Climate Disasters as Drivers of Renewable Energy Innovation (21038)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Hiva Rastegar Moghadam Moadab – Massey U. Albany
    Author: Aymen Sajjad – Massey U. New Zealand
    Author: R Gabriel Eweje – School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan U., Joondalup WA 6027, Australia
    Author: Kazunori Kobayashi – Massey U. Albany
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2094: Sequences of Resource Allocation in Corporate Sustainability (18414)
    Location: Marriott: Lakeview
    Author: Johannes Meuer – KLU Hamburg
    Author: Julija Belec Gergek – ETH Zürich
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2095: Business, Bioeconomy and Biodiversity — An Extended Framework for Managing Biodiversity Impacts (19041)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Julius Wenzig – Witten/Herdecke U.
    Author: Charlott Hübel – Witten/Herdecke U.
    Author: Verena Timmer – Witten/Herdecke U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    11:30 – 13:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2089: Doing Impactful Research in Organization and Management Theory: Taking Stock and Retooling (10625)
    Location: Fairmont: Crystal Room
    Organizer: Charlotte Traeger – U. of Bern
    Organizer: Melodie Cartel – UNSW Business School, Australia
    Discussant: Johanna Mair – Hertie School of Governance
    Panelist: Michael Lounsbury – U. of Alberta
    Panelist: Juliane Reinecke – Oxford U., Saïd Business School
    Panelist: Christian Seelos – Stanford U.
    Panelist: Suzanne Chan-Serafin – UNSW Sydney
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2210: Integrating Environmental Challenges into Business and Management Practices
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Session Moderator: Kerrigan Marie Machado Unter – U. of St. Gallen
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2209: Ecosystem Dynamics and Value Co-Creation in Circular Economies
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Session Moderator: Ida Eyi Heathcote-Fumador – Chalmers U. of Technology
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2208: Cultural Contexts and Sustainability: Navigating Local Identities and Global Challenges
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Session Moderator: Jacobo Ramirez – Copenhagen Business School
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2208: Place Attachment and Emotions in Decision-Making: Wind Energy in La Guajira, Colombia (12815)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Jacobo Ramirez – Copenhagen Business School
    Author: Claudia Vélez-Zapata – U. Pontificia Bolivariana
    Author: Steffen Boehm – U. of Exeter Business School
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2209: Circular Ecosystem Emergence and Orchestration by Sustainable Entrepreneurs (14116)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Ida Eyi Heathcote-Fumador – Chalmers U. of Technology
    Author: Katharina Cepa – Vrije U. Amsterdam
    Author: Robin Teigland – Chalmers U. of Technology
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2210: Business and Biodiversity: Measurement of an Ambiguous Goal (12683)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Kerrigan Marie Machado Unter – U. of St. Gallen
    Author: Leo Vogel – HSG U. of St. Gallen
    Author: Judith Louise Walls – HSG U. of St. Gallen
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2208: Is it all Sunshine and Roses? The Surprising Dark Side of CSR Influencing Employees’ Work Behavior (14828)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Miriam Kurth – Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group (WIN) – TIME Research Area, RWTH Aachen Un
    Author: Denise Fischer-Kreer – U. of Bonn
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2209: Transforming Resource Flows: Exploring the Co-Creation of Value Propositions in Circular Ecosystems (18397)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Fabian Grimm – RWTH Aachen U.
    Author: Torsten-Oliver Salge – Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2210: Incorporating Environmental Disruptions in Management Theories (14877)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Murad A. Mithani – Rutgers U., Camden
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2208: The Role of Institutional Complexity in Business Response to Climate Change: An Experiment (19599)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Arijit Paul – U. of Graz
    Author: Giuseppe Danese – Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno”, U. of Padova
    Author: Rupert J. Baumgartner – U. of Graz
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2209: Circular Strategies as Practice: Connecting Circular Business Models to Circular Ecosystems (20216)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Amba Maria Van Erkelens – Vrije U. Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics
    Author: Neil Aaron Thompson – Vrije U. Amsterdam
    Author: Katinka J.P Quintelier – Vrije U. Amsterdam, School of Business and Economics
    Author: Koen Van Bommel – Vrije U. Amsterdam
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2210: Talks Much, Errs Much: Social Media Coverage on ESG Disclosure Quality in Emerging Markets (17542)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Jun Jin – Zhejiang U.
    Author: Tailun Chen – School of management, Zhejiang U.
    Author: Yuanting Zhao – ONE
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2208: Indigenous Entrepreneurship in the Amazon Rainforest: Custodianship of Traditions and the Forest (20296)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Lucas Conde Stocco – U. of Sao Paulo (FEA-RP/USP)
    Author: Lara Liboni – Ivey Business School
    Author: Luciana Oranges Cezarino – U. Ca' Foscari of Venice - Dept. of Management
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2209: Circular Transition and Social Inclusion in an Ecosystem Context: A ROP Perspective (21216)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Roberta Souza Piao – U. of Sao Paulo (Polytechnic School)
    Author: Ticiana Braga De Vincenzi – U. of Sao Paulo (Polytechnic School)
    Author: Diego Alfonso Vazquez – Portsmouth Faculty of Business and Law
    Author: Giovanna Fusco – U. of Sao Paulo (Polytechnic School)
    Author: Julia Luchesi – U. of Sao Paulo (Polytechnic School)
    Author: Marly Monteiro De Carvalho – USP (Polytechnic School)
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2210: Addressing Tensions Through Practical Paradox Perspectives in Sustainability (19899)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Julija Belec Gergek – ETH Zürich
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    13:15 – 14:45 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2208: Potential and Gaps of Sociomaterial Networks in the Global South to Transition to a Circular Economy (21468)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Melanie Valencia – KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, Campus Brussels
    Author: María Fernanda Soliz – U. Andina Simón Bolívar
    Author: Milena Alía Yepez – U. Andina Simón Bolívar
    Author: Marc Craps – KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2326: Environmental Performance Metrics and Reporting
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Session Moderator: Lorenz Fenk – TUM School of Management, Technical U. of Munich
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2327: Circular Economy Strategies and Transition Frameworks
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Session Moderator: Daniel Wörner – U. of St.Gallen
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2325: Shareholder Activism and Stakeholder Dynamics in Environmental Governance
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Session Moderator: Jinyuan Song – George Mason U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2325: Shareholder Activism from a System’s View: How the Media and Regulators can Facilitate the Campaigns (14403)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Mark R. DesJardine – Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
    Author: Jinyuan Song – George Mason U.
    Author: Yifan Wei – Beedie School of Business Simon Fraser U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2326: Environmental Photograph use in Corporate Sustainability Reporting: A Machine-Supported Analysis (10219)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Lorenz Fenk – TUM School of Management, Technical U. of Munich
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2327: Unpacking the Transition Toward Circular Business Models: A Holistic Framework of Transition Drivers (12097)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Daniel Wörner – U. of St.Gallen
    Author: Niklas Letmathe – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Author: Marin Jovanovic – Copenhagen Business School
    Author: Thomas Friedli – U. of St.Gallen
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2325: Organizational Responses to Societal Demands and Their Implications for Environmental Performance (16576)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Gift Garikai Dembetembe – PhD Candidate, U. of St. Gallen
    Author: Miron Avidan – Chatham U.
    Author: Judith Louise Walls – HSG U. of St. Gallen
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2326: Emissions for Sustainability: The Ambiguous Role of Closed-Loop Orientation for Eco-Performance (16018)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Vincent Julius Verweyen – Chair of Technology Management / TIE Institute, TU Dortmund U.
    Author: Tessa Christina Flatten – Chair of Technology Management / TIE Institute, TU Dortmund U.
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2327: Circular Systems Navigator: A Process Tool for Circular Systems Design and Rebound Effect Mitigation (12464)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Henry Willem Müller – HSG U. of St. Gallen
    Author: Konstantin Remke – ESCP Business School
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2325: Unintended Consequences of Shareholder Activism: A Socio-Cognitive Stakeholder Theory View (17087)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Maria Ruiz Castillo – U. of Granada (Spain)
    Author: Ruth V. Aguilera – Northeastern U.
    Author: Juan-Alberto Aragon-Correa – U. of Granada
    Author: Nuria Hurtado-Torres – U. of Granada
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2326: The Uncertainty of Corporate Sustainability Metrics (16981)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Kelly Clark – UCLA
    Author: Magali Delmas – U. of California, Los Angeles
    Author: Dylan Minor – UCLA Anderson School of Management
    Author: Tyson Timmer – UCLA
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2327: Addressing Imperfect Substitution in the Circular Economy (13025)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Jozef Cossey – KU Leuven & UCLouvain
    Author: Anaïs Périlleux – UCLouvain
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2325: Environmental Controversies and Initiatives: Stakeholder Responses to Conflicting Signals (20684)
    Location: Marriott: Indiana
    Author: Beatriz Domínguez – U. of Zaragoza
    Author: Jaime Gomez – U. de La Rioja
    Author: Raquel Orcos – U. de La Rioja
    Author: Sergio Palomas – U. of Zaragoza
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2326: Automation’s Hidden Traps: M&A Performance Commitments, Robot Application, and Greenwashing (18346)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Zeyong Cao – School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong U.
    Author: Junrui Zhang – Xi'an Jiaotong U. School of Management
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2327: Towards a Sustainable and Circular Blue Bioeconomy: A Scoping Review (16149)
    Location: Marriott: Salon A
    Author: Ashkan Pakseresht – Brunel Business School, Brunel U. London
    Author: Alireza Kermani – U. of Tehran
    Author: Carolin Decker-Lange – Brunel Business School, Brunel U. London
  • Tuesday, Aug 13th
    15:00 – 16:30 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    2326: Microeconomics of Environmental Performance: Evidence from Firms’ Emissions Reduction Initiatives (18902)
    Location: Marriott: Iowa
    Author: Catrina Achilles – U. of Goettingen
    Author: Peter Limbach – Bielefeld U.
    Author: Michael Wolff – U. of Goettingen
    Author: Aaron Yoon – Northwestern Kellogg School of Management