Gamification is the use of video game elements such as badges, leaderboards, quests, and resources in non-game contexts (Deterding, 2012). In recent years, the use of gamification has been on the rise due to its ability to use “game-based mechanics, aesthetics, and game thinking to engage people, motivate action, promote learning, and solve problems” (Kapp, 2012, p. 125). In education, the use of gamification has been associated with positive results in student performance, motivation, engagement, attitude towards gamification, collaboration, and social awareness (Antonaci et al., 2019). In this PDW, we aim to provide higher educators, especially those who are teaching hybrid or online courses, with insights regarding how to gamify their classes. This year, the session will focus on the incorporation of artificial intelligences (AI) and other advanced technologies in the gamification process. The organizers have gathered a diverse panel of experts in gamification with a wide range of experience using gamification in teaching, research, and practice in different settings. We propose a gamified PDW that will last for two hours, divided into two parts. In part I, our diverse panelists will briefly introduce how they have applied gamification in their own teaching and research. In part II, we will ask panelists to each lead a roundtable discussion to help participants brainstorm gamification ideas that they can readily apply in their own classes.