ODC aims to improve an organization's effectiveness and capacity (Worley and Feyerherm, 2003). Previous research indicates that psychological safety (PS) can enable this process (Mogard, et.al, 2023). A PS organizational climate can also aid successful implementation and practices of Institution Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs (Roper, 2003). Edmondson, a proponent of PS, has focused predominantly at the team level; her well-validated 7-item PS scale is widely popular (Adair, 2022). PS has also been viewed from the organizational (Schein and Bennis, 1965) and individual levels (Kahn, 2017). Hackman (2002) has suggested that teams exist within the context of a larger organization, and PS should also be considered at the organizational analysis level. Interaction safety (IS), a construct defined by Katz & Miller (2008), is when individuals throughout the organization feel they need each other, are open/willing to engage, strive to do their best together, which, in turn, improves organization performance. Katz and Miller (2008) express IS as an organizational level construct of the overall feeling of safety in an organization. We believe the IS construct can be a viable PS measure to extend the PS team construct to the organizational level (Schein and Bennis; 1965; Hackmann, 2002. This PDW explores and shares whether IS shows convergent/discriminant validity with PS. If convergent, it could elevate assessment of PS to the organization level. The PDW aims to: translate the Miller/Katz IS measurement to a scale and test for validity/reliability test convergent/discriminant validity between Edmondson’s PS construct/scale and Miller & Katz IS construct/scale