Immigration is on the rise in many countries. Immigrant community-based organizations (CBOs) facilitate the adjustment of immigrants to their new society and help them maintain their cultural identity. The purpose of this study was to explore the activities immigrants participate in at CBOs and the types of networking benefits they receive. A survey completed by 343 Sudanese immigrants showed that they utilized their CBOs for cultural/social activities, democracy events, language/religion classes, school and job help, business activities, health resources, and religious purposes. Attending cultural/social activities and democracy events, participating in language and religion classes, seeking school and job help, and participating in business activities were positively related to receiving a wide variety of benefits such as work-related assistance, career sponsorship, social support, job search assistance, business assistance, protection and guidance, and information and ideas. Further analyses examined characteristics of immigrants that predicted their use of CBOs. The findings underscore the potential CBOs have for making a positive impact on the lives of immigrants.