Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Business schools, already complex endeavours involving multiple stakeholders and increased competition, are facing further disruption from rapid technology advancements in the artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning space. We explore how business schools need to adapt to AI through two sections: Understanding the Context of AI in Business Education, and Organisational Readiness for AI in Business Schools. The first section provides a landscape of technology adoption in industry and higher education, and the different perspectives, academic, student, and organisational, that can be taken to better understand AI in this context. In the second section we further examine the organisational perspective and propose the use of organisational readiness frameworks, which are prevalent in industry, to assess the readiness of business schools for AI. We particularly study the socio-technical elements identified in AI readiness literature of People, Process, Technology, and Data. Our paper provides a path forward in the form of a framework to study the readiness of business schools with the practical goal of supporting business school leadership as they engage with new developments around AI, and its implications for the organisation.