Thousands of faculties throughout the USA and the world initiate and experience the stressful reappointment, tenure, and promotion (RTP) process at their colleges and universities each year. This workshop is needed to assist these faculty in finding resolutions to particular obstacles that are inherently a part of this process. Faculty need to know how to maintain their focus by tapping into competent resources to navigate this arduous process. Navigating this process while adhering to university standards is a clear route to success and advancement. However, not all faculty find it expedient for fulfilling their goals or expectations for reappointment, promotion, and tenure. Therefore, challenges may ensue. The management of these challenges is the focus of this session.
Please only sign up for this session if you plan to be an active participant. Active participants are faculty (not administrators) who have gone through, are currently going through, or are expecting to go through the reappointment, tenure, and promotion (RTP) process at universities in the USA. The number of attendees is restricted to 25 participating faculty. Each participating faculty will present their issue by June 30, 2024 (preferred) but not later than July 15, 2024 (strict deadline) to the session organizer. This would involve submitting their contact details (email address) and the following to the session organizer: or All submitted items will be held in the STRICTEST CONFIDENCE. A submission from a participating faculty would include the following: ***Articulate in detail what is the problem or issue to be addressed as recognized within University Policy or standards. ***Attach the (a) University or Faculty Handbook with excerpts pertaining to the issue; (b) University Constitution with excerpts pertaining to the particular problem; (c) the RTP Process Guidelines with excerpts pertaining to the problem; (d) attach any additional documentation concerning the issue. ***Categorize the problem within these areas: Performance Appraisal, Reappointment, Promotion/Tenure, and Promotion or Tenure. - --There will be an overall review and discussion of these submissions, with intervention techniques and navigation tips, and a more in-depth discussion of a selection of them, followed by Questions/Answers.