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➤ Careers Division (CAR)

Featured Session

CAR Plenary: Innovating Careers for the Future: Policy, Purpose, and Organizations (session 1653)
Monday, August 12, 20204, 16:00 - 17:30 CT
Swissotel: Vevey 1

The Careers Plenary brings together scholars and practitioners who share interest in advancing the field of careers. Panelists, who are experts from the field of career studies, will share and discuss their opinions about how careers and career research is related to this years conference theme. The plenary will discuss trending and innovative topics of career research.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Are You Wondering How to Research Sustainable Careers? A Workshop About Crafting Sounds Design and Methods (session 133)
Careers Division Doctoral Consortium (session 272)
Careers in the Rough: Paper Development Workshop (session 390)
CAR Division Research Roundtable & Networking Forum (session 451)
Innovating Careers for the Future: Policy, Purpose, and Organizations (session 1653)
Bridging the Practitioner-Researcher Gap for Effective Collaboration in Career Research (session 400)
Careers Division Business Meeting (session 1732)

Click here to see the full list of CAR Sessions.

➤ Conflict Management Division (CM)

Featured Session

Conflict Management Division Doctoral and Post-doctoral Consortium (session 156)
Friday, August 9, 2024, 14:00 - 17:30 CT
Hyatt: Dusable

The Conflict Management Division doctoral and post-doctoral consortium is designed for those interested in developing an academic identity, thinking more strategically about the research process, planning for the job market, and transitioning to faculty. Specifically, we will focus on three main topics important for successfully completing a doctoral or post-doctoral program and launching an academic career: 1) publishing and dissertations, 2) preparing for the job market, 3) negotiating the job offer.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Research Methods: Innovative New Research Approaches in the Study of Conflict Management (session 281)
Conflict Management Division Junior Faculty Consortium (session 392)
Town Hall: State of the Conflict Management Division (session 423)
Conflict Management Division Open Business Meeting (session 1055)
Conflict Management Division Reception (session 1087)

Click here to see the full list of CM Sessions.

➤ Critical Management Studies Division (CMS)

Featured Session

CMS Plenary: CMS for Beginners (session 1336)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 11:30 - 13:00 CT
Fairmont: Regent Room

This session introduces Critical Management Studies (CMS) to researchers and practitioners who may not be familiar with the field's concepts, and/or may be keen to explore CMS. The session aims to demystify CMS, highlight its focus on power, equity, and social justice in organizations, and explore how CMS differs from traditional approaches to management.

Other Highlighted Sessions
CMS Division Keytune: Critical Innovations (session 1562)
CMS Plenary: Peace! How We Organize for Peace (session 915)

Click here to see a full list of CMS Sessions.

➤ Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization Division (CTO)

Featured Session

CTO Plenary Session - Keynote Speaker Kalle Lyytinen "One Bit at Time: What Have We Learned About Digital and Digitalization?"
Monday, August 12, 2024, 18:15 - 19:15 CT
Sheraton: Chicago Ballroom IX

Dr. Lyytinen conducts research on digital innovation concerning its nature, dynamics and organization, complex design work, requirements in large systems, and emergence and growth of digital infrastructures. He is among the top five IS scholars, an AIS Fellow (2004), LEO Award recipient (2013), and has published over 450 refereed articles and edited or written over 30 books or special issues.

Other Highlighted Sessions
CTO Poster Reception of Doctoral Consortium Research (session 478)
Reimagining Creative and Knowledge Work in the Age of Generative AI (session 512)
Zoom and Beyond: New Frontiers and Evidence on Virtual Communication and Multicultural Teams (session 1783)
Chatbots: What Are They Good For? (session 1226)
Ethical Data Governance in Design, Practice, and Education (session 461)
Computational Social Science in Management (session 690)
Learning from Pioneers: Using Innovative Methods to Advance Research on AI in the Workplace (session 891)
Next Decade Bot Research (session 998)
In the Wake of Digitalization: Examining Processes and Tensions of Technological Change (session 1229)
What Are We Talking About? Natural Language Processing in Organizations (session 1461)
AI Effects on Firm Innovation and Performance (session 1563)
Innovating with AI: Exploring the Impact of Generative AI on Creative Processes (session 1567)
The Promise and Peril of AI Assistance in Coding, Writing, Literature Reviews (session 1899)
Human-AI Teamwork: Collaboration, Creativity, and Trust (session 2024)
Algorithmic Management: Tasks, Technology, and Trust (session 2025)

Click here to see a full list of CTO Sessions

➤ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Division (DEI)

Featured Session

The Future of DEI in Workplaces Around the World – Challenges, Opportunities and Innovative Solutions (session 626)
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 09:45 – 11:15 CT
Hyatt: Regency Ballroom C

This year’s DEI Plenary is titled ‘The Future of DEI in Workplaces around the World - Challenges, Opportunities, and Innovative Solutions’. We have lined up remarkable speakers from different regions. DEI Plenary session title says it all and is an event that must not be missed out. Speakers are renowned in their areas of scholarly work as listed below:
• Americas - Associate Professor Stephanie Creary, University of Pennsylvania
• Europe - Professor Yehuda Baruch, University of Southampton
• Asia - Ms Yixin Tian, PhD Candidate, Singapore Management University
• Oceania - Emeritus Professor Alison Sheridan, University of New England
• Middle East - Dr Nourah Alfayez, Alfaisal University

Other Highlighted Sessions
DEI Coffee Hour (session 236)
AOM DEI CoS (Celebration of Success) Meeting (session 1013)
DEI Social Hour (session 1082)
Taking a stand? Research, Values and Leadership in Academia (session 1786)
DEI Doctoral Student Consortium (session 283)
DEI’s Global Ambassadors Broadening the AOM Experience for Emerging International Members (session 57)
Addressing Impact: A Practical Path Forward for DEI Scholarship Amid Volatility (session 348)
The State of DEI in Business Schools (session 776)
Gender Dynamics in Work and Home: Impacts on Career and Well-being (session 1890)
Deepening Our Understanding of Inclusive Leadership: A Multi-Level, Multi-Identity-Group Perspective (session 920)
Innovating for Inclusion: Theoretical and Empirical Advancements on LGBT Issues in Organizations (session 2031)
Intersectionality and Workforce (session 917)
Gender Diversity and Equality (session 1571)
Innovative DEI Practices (session 1785)

Click here to see a full list of DEI Sessions

➤ Entrepreneurship Division (ENT)

Featured Session

ENT Plenary: That’s Replicable: Building Cumulative Knowledge in the Face of Fads, Obsessions, and Malpractices in Management and Entrepreneurship Research (session 1468)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 13:15 – 14:45 CT
Hyatt: Water Tower

There is growing concern about the veracity and robustness of knowledge claims made by organizational researchers. The failure to confirm the findings of landmark studies, along with a drastic increase in retractions rates at many reputable journals and high-profile cases of research fraud, have raised questions about the trustworthiness of both findings and established research practices. The purpose of this plenary is to discuss the role of replication – independent confirmation of published findings – in advancing knowledge in the face of fads, obsessions, and malpractices among academics. A panel of distinguished senior scholars will share their views on why (or why not) replication can help build cumulative knowledge in management and entrepreneurship research. We will have plenty of time for audience members to ask questions and engage with the panel.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Rejection, Resilience and Wellbeing for Research Scholars (session 286)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem Communities: Purpose, Policies, Profession, Publication (session 159)
Beyond Business-as-Usual: Unleashing the Power of Innovation in Times of Crisis (session 289)
Intrapreneurial Universities - Wishful Thinking or Worldwide Reality? (session 20)
Health and Well-being Research in Entrepreneurship: New Directions for Scholarship (session 602)
Re-imagining Entrepreneurship to Shape Desirable Futures (session 678)
Digital Technologies as Catalysts for Entrepreneurial Activities (session 101)
Crafting Special Issue Proposals for Top Entrepreneurship Journals (session 177)
Extreme (Events and) Entrepreneurship (session 305) 
Serendipity in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (session 2235)
Global Female Entrepreneurship: Practical Applications of the 5M Framework in Four Diverse Countries (session 1915)

Click here to see a full list of ENT Sessions

➤ Health Care Management Division (HCM)

Featured Session

HCM Business Meeting & Provan Award Presentation (session 1660)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 16:15 – 18:15 CT
Fairmont: Crystal Room

All members of the Health Care Management Division and those interested in the Division are encouraged to attend. This meeting features reports on the state of the division, presentation of division awards, discussion of involvement opportunities, and more.

Click here to see a full list of HCM Sessions

➤ Human Resources Division (HR)

Featured Session

HR Division Breakfast and Awards Presentation (session 1094)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 07:30 – 09:00 CT
Swissotel: Zurich D

Join us bright and early for the HR Division's Breakfast and Awards Presentation where we celebrate excellence and innovation in our field. Enjoy a delightful breakfast while we honor the contributions of our peers and present awards for outstanding achievements.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Innovative and Experiential Approaches to Teaching HR (session 135)
HR Division Research Roundtable Networking Forum (session 189)
Presentations from the 2023 SHRM Foundation Dissertation Award Winners (session 544)
HR Division New Member Social (session 1083)
HR Division Business Meeting Social (session 1088) 
HR Division Plenary (session 1214)
HR Division Ice Cream Social (session 2245)

Click here to see a full list of HR Sessions

➤ International Management Division (IM)

Featured Session

The Future of International Management: Conversations with Professional Award Winners (session 1812)
Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 08:00 – 09:30 CT
Hyatt: Roosevelt 3A

The field of international management is evolving as the environment for business is changing due to technological, economic and political changes. This creates new opportunities and challenges for internationally operating businesses, and hence for international management scholarship. The award-winning panelists will discuss how international management scholars can best engage with these new realities from the perspectives of research, teaching and service.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Geopolitics in International Management Research: Strengthening Theoretical and Empirical Approaches (session 74)
Platform and Ecosystem Strategy in a Global Context (session 343)
International Management Division Junior Faculty Consortium (session 550)
International Management Division Doctoral Student Consortium (session 28)
Beyond the Facade: Corporate Greenwashing and Ways to Address It (session 850)
Yadong Luo - International Management Division Hyundai Motor Eminent Scholar (session 1001)
IM Division Georgetown Best Paper in International Business and Policy Award (session 1137)
Division CEIBS Best Paper Award (session 1477)
IM Division HKUST Best Paper Award in Global Strategy (session 1590)
International Management Division Awards & Recognition Session (session 1734)
International Management Division Reception (session 1755)

Click here to see a full list of IM Sessions

➤ Management Consulting Division (MC)

Featured Session

Doctoral Consortium - Management Consulting Division (session 586)
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 08:30 – 12:30 CT
Hyatt: Acapulco

The MCD 2024 Doctoral Consortium will be as attractive, insightful and inclusive as possible. The Doctoral Consortium will offer doctoral students a complete experience of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in all its aspects: Scholarly, PDW, symposia, caucuses, and social time. The Doctoral Consortium will take place on Saturday August 11, 2024, and will enable doctoral students (Ph.D., Dba, Exec-PhD, DM …) to compare their research with the views and experience of the professors and practitioners present.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Framing Executive-Based Research as Pipelines for Management Consulting Practices (session 864)

Click here to see a full list of MC Sessions

➤ Management Education Development Division (MED)
Featured Session

MED Keynote Plenary: Can we eat real food with synthetic spoons? – thoughts on digitally mediated management learning and education (session 1556)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 14:00 – 15:00 CT
Hyatt: Crystal A

Speaker: Prof. Dirk Lindebaum: Editor-in-Chief: Academy of Management Learning & Education

The dangers of synthetic learning and teaching will reduce our motivation and ability to acquire first-hand experiences and cope with vital adaptations in the real-world, both of which interfere with everyday (social) practices of managers at work. This plenary proposes two crucial mechanisms through which digitally mediated MLE can transform into its synthetic incarnation.

Key questions that preoccupy Prof. Lindebaum are that he sees that “the future is here already, at least in terms of how AI and ChatGPT not only affect processes and outcomes at work and in wider society, but actually shape reality. When technology shapes reality, it is vitally important to understand what kind of design assumptions are at play, whose assumptions and values inform the design of the technology, what outcomes can be observed from that, and who is affected by these outcomes.” Learn more

Other Highlighted Sessions
Study Resources, Students’ Well-being and Entrepreneurship Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study (session 1147)
The Potential of Deliberative Pedagogy in Cultivating Phronesis in Management Education (session 1366)
Peer Coaching Groups as an Innovative Tool to Foster Performance and Well-Being of the Participants (session 936)
Digitalisation and Technology (session 1592)
  • In tandem with ChatGPT-4: How LLM enhance Entrepreneurship Education and Business Model Innovation (Qualitative)
  • The Search for the Golden Ticket: A Value Chain and VRIO Experiential Exercise
Grading and Simultaneously Providing High-Information Feedback: The Harmonized Appraisal Assessment (session 1816)
Innovations in Experiential Learning: Preparing Students for a Dynamic Work Environment (session 2053)
Developing Teaching Ideas into Impactful Intellectual Contributions (session 393)
Innovations in Leadership Development for Human Flourishing (session 462)
International Futures for MED Ambassadors (session 53)
Teaching with Technology: Unraveling Emerging AI Practices in the Classroom (session 96)
6th Annual Teaching Bootcamp: A MED Interactive Workshop (session 309)
2024 Management Education and Learning Writers Workshop (session 196)
AI’s Kryptonite?: Using Student Cases to Teach Critical Thinking, Theory, and Essential Skills (session 346)
MED Junior Faculty and Doctoral Students Consortium (session 129)

Click here to see a full list of MED Sessions

➤ Management History Division (MH)

Featured Session

We Cannot Escape History: On the Co-evolution of History in Organizations (session 756)
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 11:30 – 13:00 CT
Swissotel: Vevey 4

Our plenary delves into the pivotal theme of the contextual significance of history to organizations. Current organizations' identity, processes, strategies, and behavior are a product of multi-level co-evolution, where organizational actions intertwine with environmental responses. As such, there is a path dependence that speakers in our plenary seek to illuminate. Their focus will be to examine the intricate dynamics that shape organizational paths, seeking to deepen our understanding of nuanced relationships between actions and reactions.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Management History Social Event (session 1745)
Navigating the New Publishing Game: Challenges and Opportunities in Mobilizing History in Management (session 808)
Then & Now: Stewardship Theory (session 1593)
Entrepreneurial Leadership: Lessons from History (session 1148)

Click here to see a full list of MH Sessions

➤ Management, Spirituality, and Religion Division (MSR)

Featured Session

MSR Plenary: Dreaming New Futures for Organizations: Consciousness Inquiries (session 605)
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 09:00 – 10:30 CT
Marriott: Addison

The purpose of this session is to explore alternative pathways to advancing consciousness inquiries towards a flourishing future for all. Dr. Subash Kak and Dr. Chris Laszlo will deliver presentations on this topic; followed by Q&A.

Other Highlighted Sessions
MSR Retreat: Think Less, Think Better (session 122)
AI is Innovation: Now Educators Need to Focus on the Human-ness (sesison 352)
Union of the Known-Unknown Realm of Existence for Enhancing a Future of Innovation (session 353)
MSR and Friends (session 1052)
Purpose, Meaning, and Consciousness in Leadership (session 1153)
Why Are We Here and Where Are We Going? MSR Flamekeepers Reflections (session 1371)
MSR Business Meeting (session 1736)
MSR Social (session 1752)
Spirituality and Nature: Alternative Ontologies to Innovate for the Future. (session 1941)
Towards a Zen-Informed Spiritual Research Paradigm: Philosophy, Methodology, and Evaluation Criteria (session 1597)
Mindful Innovation: Impacting Individual and Collective Flourishing (session 692)

Click here to see a full list of MSR Sessions

➤ Managerial Organizational Cognition Division (MOC)

Featured Session
MOC Plenary and Awards Ceremony (session 1443)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 12:00 – 14:00 CT
Sheraton: Sheraton Ballroom V

Please mark your calendars for the MOC Plenary session where we will formally recognize Professor Gerard P. Hodgkinson as the winner of the 2024 MOC Distinguished Scholar Award! He will give an address that you won’t want to miss!

Other Highlighted Sessions
Cognition in the Rough (session 294)
MOC Connecting Social Event (session 433)

Click here to see a full list of MOC Sessions

➤ Operations and Supply Chain Management Division (OSCM)

Featured Session

OSCM Division Plenary Speakers - Innovation in Operations & Supply Chain Management (session 1322)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 10:00 – 11:30 CT
Hyatt: Acapulco

This session will feature organization leaders from manufacturing and service sectors who will share their perspectives on the future of innovation in operations and supply chain management.

Other Highlighted Sessions
OSCM Division Junior Faculty and Doctoral Consortium (Part 1) (session 66)
OSCM Division Junior Faculty and Doctoral Consortium Lunch (session 124)
OSCM Division Junior Faculty and Doctoral Consortium (Part 2) (session 148)
Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM) Award Presentation (session 472)
OSCM Division Morning Run (session 495)
Sharing Best Teaching Practices for Boosting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Operations & Supply Chain Management (session 851)
OSCM Division New Member Cafe (session 894)
OSCM Division All-members Business Meeting (session 970)
OSCM Division Social (session 1057)
OSCM Division Meet the Journal Editors Panel (session 1185)
ISM Best Paper Award (session 1444)
OSCM Division Chan Hahn Best Paper Award (session 1557)
OSCM Division Best Student Paper Award (session 1655)
Factory Tour (off-site event) (session 2353)

Click here to see a full list of OSCM Sessions

➤ Organization and Management Theory Division (OMT)

Featured Session

OMT Distinguished Scholar Address and Breakfast Honoring David Krackhardt (session 1181)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 08:00 – 09:30 CT
Fairmont: International Ballroom

OMT Is thrilled to honor David Krackhardt as our 2024 OMT Distinguished Scholar.

This award recognizes a scholar whose contributions have been central to the intellectual development of the field of organization studies. As individuals, each Distinguished Scholar embodies a career of scholarly achievement and has had a significant impact on OMT scholarship. Over the past 15 years, Krackhardt’s research has focused on how the theoretical insights and methodological innovations of network analysis can enhance our understanding of how organizations function. Krackhardt has also introduced numerous methodological advancements to the field and opened up new areas of inquiry. He is the recipient of many awards and is an established intellectual leader in the OMT community. Krackhardt’s significant scholarly contributions include his pioneering idea of “cognitive social structures,” which reshaped our understanding of how individuals and groups perceive and navigate organizational relationships; his analysis of the roles of Simmelian (super-strong) ties in organizations; his work on adapting the quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) to multiple regression analyses of network data; and the development of the KrackPlot network visualization software. His published works have appeared in a variety of journals in the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and management. David Krackhardt is currently Professor of Organizations at the Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy, with a joint appointment at the Tepper School of Business.

Please join us for breakfast and a chance to hear more about Dr. Krackhardts scholarship across his career.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Meet EGOS @ OMT (session 217)
OMT New and Returning Member Networking and Research Forum (session 203)
OMT Cultural Events and Connection Time (session 476)
OMT Business Meeting (session 1746)
OMT Social - OMT is the Place to Be (session 1753)
Teach OMT (session 186)
Introduction to Social Network Analysis (session 467)
Behind The Scenes of Highly Cited Organizational Ethnographies (session 780)
Navigating the Mid-Career Stage: Career Advancement and Impact (session 418)
Generative AI in the Workplace: Implications for Work, Occupations, and Inequality (session 362)
Impact Scholars, Unite! Building Bridges Across Communities Interested in Creating Impact (session 562)
Inequality and Entrepreneurship: Institutional Barriers Faced by Underrepresented Entrepreneurs (session 2204)

Click here to see a full list of OMT Sessions

➤ Organization Development and Change Division (ODC)

Featured Session

R2: Amplifying Rigor and Relevance to Addressing Today’s Grand Challenges (session 876)
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 14:00 – 15:45 CT
Marriott: Addison

Join a panel of scholars – including Jean Bartunek (Boston College), Jody Hoffer Gittell (Brandeis), Natalia Levina (NYU), and Judith Louise Walls (University of St. Gallen) – in an interactive discussion on how the pursuit of rigorous and relevant scholarship and practice can help address today’s grand challenges.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Rigor-Relevance Award: In Conversation with Jane Dutton and Kathleen Eisenhardt (session 983)
ODC Rigor-Relevance Reception (session 1056)
ODC Division Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony (session 1654)
ODC Distinguished Scholar 2024: Denise Rousseau (session 1727)
ODC Division Social (session 1737)
Action Research Lab: Foundations Innovating for the Future (session 383)
Publishing Inductive Qualitative Research in Prominent Academic Journals (session 682)

Click here to see a full list of ODC Sessions

➤ Organizational Behavior Division (OB)

Featured Session

The Elephant in the room: A PDW on enhancing scientific rigor in Organizational Behavior research (session 380)
Saturday, August 10, 2024, 13:00 – 17:00 CT
Swissotel: Zurich G

This PDW session brings together many leaders in the OB field to discuss the important topic of enhancing rigor and transparancy in our field. This is also consistent with the topic for this year's OB Division Plenary (Enhancing Trust and Credibility in OB Research).

Other Highlighted Sessions
Plenary Session - Enhancing Trust and Credibility in OB Research: Focusing on Research Integrity (session 1277)
Organizational Behavior Division Business Meeting, Awards Ceremony, and Social (session 475)
Speaking Science (session 144)
The Productivity Process: Research Tips and Strategies from Prolific Junior Faculty (session 29)
OB Research Roundtables Forum (session 328)
Unlocking the Revise & Resubmit Process (session 312)
Enduring Through Gender Biases in Academia: Understanding Experiences, Challenges, and Solutions (session 679)
Collectively Putting the Pieces Together: A Positive Relationships at Work Research Hackathon (session 324)
Evidence-based Tools for Leadership Development (session 63)
From the Minivan to an Empty Nest: Navigating Parenthood in Academia (session 450)

Click here to see a full list of OB Sessions

➤ Organizational Neuroscience Interest Group (NEU)

Featured Session

Team Neurophysiological Synchrony: Evolutionary Foundations of Team Dynamics (session 1598)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 15:00 – 16:30 CT
Swissotel: Matterhorn

Organizational researchers have gradually taken an interest in studying the function and antecedents of neurophysiological synchrony in teams in a variety of contexts and with many issues in mind (e.g., team dynamics and outcomes). In this symposium, a diverse group of scholars share insight from cutting-edge, large-scale scientific endeavors on teams, in and out of the lab.

Click here to see a full list of NEU Sessions

➤ Organizations and the Natural Environment Division (ONE)

Featured Session

ONE Plenary: Imagining a More Just and Sustainable Future (session 1404)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 11:30 – 13:00 CT
Marriott: Addison

We often hear the phrase “a more just and sustainable future” but can we imagine what that might be like for our field? How might our research evolve? Business schools? Engagement and partnerships? During this plenary we’ll hear from leaders in our field as they reflect on our past, present, and future to consider how we may imagine – and collectively work towards – a more just and sustainable future. Participants will also have the opportunity to consider how they may engage on this path.

Other Featured Sessions
Circular Business Models for Sustainable Development: From Theory to Practice (session 86)
The Biodiversity Moonshot: Innovating for an Embedded Future Between Business and Nature (session 164)
Governing for a Sustainable Future: Exploring the Interactions Between the Public and Private Sector (session 438)
Teaching Sustainability: Encouraging and Applying Innovation (session 614)
Editor Panel: Sustainability Research from Underrepresented Regions of the World (session 764)
Organizing with Nature: Unfolding the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Complexities (session 1976)

Click here to see a full list of ONE Sessions

➤ Puplic and Nonprofit Division (PNP)

Featured Session

PNP Plenary: The Promise and the Peril: Emergent Governance of Artificial Intelligence (session 1299)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 09:45 – 11:15 CT
Fairmont: Royal Room

This plenary brings together a panel of scholars whose research aims to understand and critically examine the use and impact of AI and to inform policy and practice in this rapidly evolving space.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Future of Public and Nonprofit Research: Editor Panel of PNP Journals (session 439)
PNP Business Meeting (session 984)
PNP Social (session 1058)

Click here to see a full list of PNP Sessions

➤ Research Methods Division (RM)

Featured Session

Research Methods Division Business Meeting (session 1658)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 16:00 – 17:00 CT
Swissotel: Lucerne I

Please join us for an informative session about the recent activities, awards, and upcoming plans of the Research Methods Division. It is a great setting for members who are interested in the ongoing progress and future direction of our division.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Building an Inference Engine Using AI and The World’s Largest Meta-Analysis: Lesson Learned (session 1982)
Research Methods Advancements for Studying Workplace Mistreatment (session 2217)
Applications of NLP to Human Resource Management: From Word Dictionaries to Large Language Models (session 646)
Centering the Margins: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities of Studying the Understudied (session 2323)
Ask the Experts: Qualitative Research (session 370)
Ask the Experts: Quantitative Research (session 68)
How Can We Make Management Research More Credible? An Interactive PDW Featuring Experts And Editors (session 87)
Research Methodology: Best Practices for Rigorous, Credible, and Impactful Research (session 125)
Checking the Numbers: A Professional Development Workshop to Build Methods-Focused Reviewing Skills (session 683)
Research Methods Division Business Meeting (session 1658)
Research Methods Division-CARMA Doctoral Student/Faculty Consortium (session 481)
Research Methods Division Reception (session 1729)

Click here to see a full list of RM Sessions

➤ Social Issues in Management Division (SIM)

Featured Session
Changing Course: Reimagining and Innovating in Business in a Human- and Eco-Centric Future (session 783)
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 12:00 - 13:30 CT
Marriott: Belmont

This panel symposium raises the question of how the purposes and social-ecological behaviors of firms - and indeed whole economies - may need to change (or, in the words of the call for papers, innovate) if humanity is to build a future that decenters business and economics and re-centers humans in the natural world.

Other Highlighted Sessions
SIM Business Meeting (session 1731)
SIM Social (session 1747)
SIM Doctoral Student Consortium (session 70)
SIM-ONE Junior Faculty Consortium (session 303)
SIM Research Development Workshop (session 279)
Speed Networking with the SIM Division (session 442)
SIM Best Student Paper Finalists (session 1306)
SIM Best Business Ethics Paper Finalists (session 1417)
SIM Best Paper Finalists (session 1529)
SIM Best Dissertation Award Finalists and SIM Best Book Award Finalists Presentations (session 1639)
Shareholder Activism and Societal Challenges (session 695)
Editor Panel: Sustainability Research from Underrepresented Regions of the World (session 764)
Looking Back and Looking Ahead at Research on Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Impact (session 709)
Advancements in Understanding the Antecedents of Ethical Voice and Silence (session 1842)

Click here to see the full list of SIM Sessions.

➤ Strategic Management Division (STR)

STR Highlighted Sessions

Psychological Design of Organizations (session 1875)
To shape or adapt? Strategy making under uncertainty in industry emergence and evolution (session 1434)
Acquisitions Strategies (session 769)
Diversification (session 1066)
Digital Transformation: Amplifying the Value in Global Value Chains and Strategic Innovation (session 994)
Entrepreneurship Dynamics: Navigating Challenges, Building Resilience, and Leveraging Narratives (session 988)
“Problems” with AI: How Artificial Intelligence Helps Frame and Formulate Problems in Organization (session 1073)
Human-Technology Interface (session 993)
Building Bridges: Developing a Research Agenda for Sustainability and Innovation (session 2342)
Grand Challenges and Solutions (session 686)
Modeling Firm Growth and Organizational Design (session 2118)
New Data on Organization Design (session 2001)
Scaling Strategies: Enabling Scalability and Overcoming Constraints (session 1647)
Strategic Management of Resources: Navigating Uncertainty and Leveraging Capabilities (session 2234)
Individual and Group Differences within the Carnegie Perspective (session 1724)
Organizational Challenges and Human Factors (session 992)

Click here to see the full list of STR Sessions.

➤ Strategizing Activities and Practices Interest Group (SAP)

Featured Session

Distinguished Keynote: William Gartner (session 1526)
Monday, August 12, 2024, 13:15 - 14:45 CT
Fairmont: Crystal Room

Over the years, the SAP IG has increasingly served as an intellectual home for research on entrepreneurship as practice. This year, one of the most influential entrepreneurship-as-practice scholars--William Gartner--will inspire the SAP community with a distinguished keynote.

Other Highlighted Sessions
Qualitative Methods and AI: Friends or Foes? (session 767)
SAP Business Meeting (session 1730)
SAP Social (session 1739)

Click here to see the full list of SAP Sessions.

➤ Technology and Innovation Management Division (TIM)

Featured Session

TIM Distinguished Scholar Luncheon (session 784)
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 12:00 – 13:30 CT
Sheraton: Chicago Ballroom X

Since 1996, the Technology & Innovation Management Division has been presenting the Distinguished Scholar Award to individuals whose contributions have been central to the intellectual development of the field. Each recipient embodies a career of scholarly achievement and has had a significant impact on TIM research and practice. Join the TIM Division to hear from our 2024 Distinguished Scholar, Dan Levinthal, the Reginald H. Jones Professor of Corporate Strategy at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Other Highlighted Sessions
TIM Best Student Paper Presentations (session 2246)
Best TIM Paper Award @ TIM Business Meeting (session 1060)
TIM Emerging Scholar Award (session 1331)
TIM Breakfast (session 267)
TIM Best Dissertation Awards Presentations (session 1560)
TIM Plenary: Contrary Views on AI in Science and Innovation (session 1659)

Click here to see a full list of TIM Sessions